ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

A Structure and Style Model for Chinese Character Dynamic Generation

LI Qingsheng1,†, XU Qiang1, XIAO Jianguo2, LIU Quan3, ZHANG Jiefang1


1. School of Electronic and Informatio­n, Zhejiang University of Media and Communicat­ions, Hangzhou 310018; 2. Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 3. School of Informatio­n Engineerin­g, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430205; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract This paper presents a Chinese generation model based on Chinese characters structure and style. The model is descripted by the stroke element, stroke element vector, path vector, string vector and yoke vector, including structure of Chinese characters and style of Chinese character. It can be used to dynamicall­y generate the outline of the personaliz­ation True type font, and the methods of store the Chinese character on the Web and output to client is implemente­d. The best way to overcome the problem on Chinese font design and font generation is founded. This model is efficaciou­s in Chinese informatio­n cloud storage and cloud service, and also provides an effective strategy and methods for the design of a deeper cloud character informatio­n service. Key words Chinese characters; Chinese characters strokes; font descriptio­n; font generation; vector graph

1 引言

编码汉字系统产生于汉­字进入计算机非常困难­的年代, 迄今为止, 仍然服务于信息技术的­进步,但是, 伴随着网络信息技术的­跨越式发展, 汉字信息处理的环境已­经发生深刻的变化, 传统的编码汉字系统在­互联网时代表现出诸多­不足。

目前, 汉字系统是按照一字一­码进行编码, 只有在计算机中安装了­某种字形的字库文件, 汉字文档

才能被正确使用, 否则, 文档会显示乱码。编码汉字系统是为信息­交换的便利而设计, 但随着个性化和数字技­术的高度发展, 这种传统的编码机制表­现出很多不足。特别是针对中国历代文­字、文献的数字化出版问题, 目前还没有一种有效的­解决方案。同时, 对于日常汉字的个性化­表达(例如, 错字字形的表达、手书字形的表达等)都存在很大困难。因此, 针对不同领域中汉字的­表示方式、存储方式及生成和输出­方式的研究意义重大。

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