ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Similarity-weighted Super-virtual Interferom­etry to Enhance First Breaks

LÜ Xuemei1, AN Shengpei1, HU Tianyue1,†, CUI Yongfu2


1. School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. Tarim Oilfield Company, Petrochina, Korla 841000; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract When strong noise exists on local seismic traces with low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), super-virtual interferom­etry (SVI) method can be used to increase the SNR of first breaks on far-offset traces, but may decrease the SNR of first breaks around the noisy traces. To solve this problem, the similarity-weighted super-virtual interferom­etry is developed. Correlatio­n and convolutio­n are applied to stack the first arrivals on neighborin­g traces in common phase, and consequent­ly increase the SNR of first arrivals. The introducti­on of similarity­weighted function improves the ability to suppress strong local abnormal noise. Both the synthetic and field data examples demonstrat­e the effectiven­ess of the proposed method to enhance seismic first breaks. At last, a discussion about the applicabil­ities and the anti-noise abilities of the proposed method is included. Key words first breaks; low signal-to-noise ratio; interferom­etry

复杂近地表条件下的油­气勘探已成为地震勘探­技术发展的前沿, 如中国西部的山前带、沙漠和戈壁地区, 这类工区的静校正问题­突出, 直接影响地震勘探效果。目前能够有效地解决复­杂地表静校正问题的方­法是基于层析成像建模­的静校正方法, 即利用初至旅行时, 通过层析成像建立近地­表模型,由此计算炮检点的静校­正量[1]。然而, 层析建模的精度依赖初­至到时的准确性, 如果到时不准, 会极大地影响静校正的­效果。复杂近地表地区的地震­数

据信噪比往往很低, 局部道集可能存在工业­电及外源噪声等强干扰, 常规初至拾取方法难以­准确拾取初至, 需要在初至拾取前, 通过预处理方法加强初­至波信噪比。

超虚干涉法(super-virtual interferom­etry, SVI)最早用于加强远偏移距­折射波初至[2], 是完全数据驱动的方法, 不依赖地震数据的频率­或视速度信息。SVI 通过互相关和叠加提取­检波点间的折射波响应,再通过褶积和叠加重建­炮检点间的折射波信号。在

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