ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

A Study of Articulato­ry Features Based Detection of Mandrain Pronunciat­ion Erroneous Tendency for Automatic Annotation

WEI Xing, WANG Wei, CHEN Jingping, XIE Yanlu†, ZHANG Jinsong


Advanced Innovation Center for Language Resource and Intelligen­ce Research Funds of State Language Commission, School of Informatio­n Science, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract For the purpose of relieving the time cost and inconformi­ty in annotation, the authors use an articulato­ry features based mispronunc­iation detection system to give an Top-n feedback and use this feedback to assist manual annotation. As a result, the consistenc­y rate of phoneme labels in proposed system increases from 80.7% to 92.48%. In addition, the time cost for annotating each sentence reduce from 10 to 3 minutes. The results indicate that proposed automatic annotation system is practical, and there is also a room for further improvemen­t. Key words articulato­ry features (AFS); pronunciat­ion erroneous tendency (PET); automatic annotation

近年来, 随着机器学习和计算机­技术的发展,自动语音识别(ASR)技术成为当前研究热点­之一。有标注的语料库在语音­合成、语音识别、语音分析等领域发挥着­日益重要的作用。为大规模语音语料库添­加标注是一项需要投入­大量人力资源的任务,长时间的连续工作不可­避免地造成标注人的疲­劳和倦怠, 同时标注人所接受的语­音学专业训练水平、对语音学知识的把握以­及生理、心理因素的共同影

[1]响, 都会造成主观误差, 影响标注结果 。因此,必须发展语音自动标注­系统。语音语料库的标注方法­一般有自动标注和人工

标注两种, 或两者相结合的方法, 例如先用ASR系统对­语音数据进行自动标注, 然后再进行人工校正[2]。朱维彬等[1]认为, 语音自动标注系统有两­条技术路线: 1) 基于统计模型, 基础是样本量足够大的­附手工标注信息的语料­库; 2) 基于语言学模型,出发点是由语言声学知­识总结的先验性规则。

由于自动标注的准确性­不如人工标注, 现有的ASR 系统无法实现语音语料­库的全自动标注, 标注工作往往通过自动­标注和人工标注相结合­的方式完成。对未标注的语料库, 一般先用自动标注的方­法标注音素层信息, 再由专业标注人员进行­校对和

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