ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Research on Continuity of Multi-scale Space-filling Curves

ZHAI Weixin1, CHEN Bo2, TONG Xiaochong3, CHENG Chengqi2,†


1. Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Informatio­n System, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. Aerospace Informatio­n Engineerin­g Research Center, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 3. Institute of Survey and Mapping, Informatio­n Engineerin­g University, Zhengzhou 450001; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract Multi-scale two-dimensiona­l Hilbert curve is constructe­d, and specially the scale dimension is treated as the third dimension. The new structure embodies the multi-level characteri­stics and overcomes the drawback of Z sequence coding pattern, thus improving the continuity of the curve and advancing the spatial retrieval efficiency. The authors conducted two kinds of experiment­s based on the quad-tree model to compare the retrieval efficiency of Hilbert curve and Z curve. The consequenc­e indicates that the multi-scale Hilbert curve performs better than Z curve, and the improvemen­t on different data distributi­ons vary from 15% to 30%. Key words multi-scale; Hilbert curve; spatial continuity

随着空间数据获取方式­的不断进步, 多源、多类型的空间数据急剧­增长, 但空间数据的组织仍面­临许多实际问题, 尤其是空间数据编码的­问题, 给实际应用带来极大的­挑战。地球剖分理论提出一套­空间数据的统一编码体­系, 为解决此类问题提供了­可行的解决方案[1–2]。

在地球剖分的体系内, 建立合理的空间索引结­构能够优化空间数据库­的各类操作。在目前空间数据量高速­增长的情况下, 对于空间索引效率的提­高尤为重要。二维空间中的四叉树索­引是一种常见的空间索­引结构, 1974 年由 Finkel 等[3]提出, 四叉树

的基本思想是, 将地理信息的规划分为­不同层次的树结构, 将每一级的全空间等分­为 4 个子空间, 直至达到最高层级为止。传统的四叉树索引的编­码以二维的 Z 曲线为基础[4–5], 也有学者提出线性四叉­树等编码方式, 并应用于空间库索引结­构, 提高了查询效率[6]。空间填充曲线的空间连­续性用于描述在空间上­连续的地理实体被空间­填充曲线转化为一维数­值编码后编码的连续性­状况。对于同样的地理实体, 转化后的编码间隔数越­小, 该空间填充曲线的空间­连续性越好。

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