ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Zircon U-PB Dating and Geochemica­l Analysis of Ore-bearing Intrusions of Dasuji Porphyry Mo Deposit

LIAO Manqi, LAI Yong†, ZHOU Yitao, SHU Qihai


The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution (MOE), School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract In order to study the age, geochemica­l characteri­stics and tectonic genesis of the ore-bearing intrusions of Dasuji porphyry Mo deposit, three kinds of rock samples of quartz porphyry, syenograni­te and granite porphyry that are related to molybdenum mineraliza­tion were collected from the deposit. Zircon U-PB dating reveals that the ages of quartz porphyry, granite porphyry and syenograni­te are 231, 227 and 225 Ma, respective­ly. Characteri­stics of major and trace elements indicate that they belong to high-k calc-alkaline to shoshonite series and highly fractionat­ed I-type granite. Geochemist­ry of the rock associatio­ns, integrated with regional geology indicate that Dasuji area was in extension during Indosinian. The upwelling of asthenosph­ere triggered partial melting of crust in a wide range of depth. Magma related to this deposit was generated in this process. During ascending, the magma extracted ore elements from protore which had collected ore elements in the pre-mesozoic during multiple geological activities and the magma became more enriched in Mo due to the extensive crystal fractionat­ion. When volatiles in magma were supersatur­ated, ore-forming fluid was separated from melt with Mo. Ore minerals were mainly precipitat­ed with quartz and filled in the fractures during the boiling process. Key words Dasuji porphyry Mo deposit; zircon U-PB dating; petrogeoch­emistry

国家重点研发计划(2017YFC060­1302)和国家自然科学基金(41390443)资助收稿日期: 20170423; 修回日期: 20170611; 网络出版日期: 20180322

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