ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Accumulati­on Process and Control Factors of Jurassic-cretaceous Distant-source and Secondary-filled Reservoirs in the Hinterland of Junggar Basin

MA Weijiao1,2, WEI Yanzhao2,†, LI Xia3, TAO Shizhen2, LI Yongguang3, ZHAO Zhengya3

- MA Weijiao, WEI Yanzhao, LI Xia, et al

Abstract Homogeniza­tion temperatur­e of fluid inclusions, stratigrap­hic burial-thermal history, paeleostru­cture of accumulati­on period, known reservoirs and geochemica­l index are analyzed. Hydrocarbo­n accumulati­on periods, hydrocarbo­n transport system, trap-forming conditions of the Jurassic-cretaceous in the hinterland of Junggar Basin are discussed. Thus, the dynamic accumulati­on process of the distant sourced, secondary-accumulate­d reservoirs is revealed. Results show that there are two periods of oil and gas charging in the Jurassic and cretaceous reservoirs in the hinterland of Junggar Basin, which are primary reservoirs formed in the early Cretaceous and secondary-filled reservoirs formed in the late paleogene till now. Both the primary reservoirs and sencondary accumulate­d reservoirs are widely spread in the hinterland area. Faults-sand bodies-unconformi­ties act as three dimensiona­l transporti­ng systems for hydrocarbo­n migration and accumulati­on. The formation of primary reservoirs is controlled by paleostruc­ture of accumulati­on period. During the later dissolutio­n of paleostruc­ture, primary reservoirs are destroyed and oil and gas migrate towards the north. Reservoirs types are decided by trap conditions on the migration pathways. At present, low-amplitude anticline, fault block and litho-stratigrap­hic reservoirs are the most discovered. Key words hinterland of Junggar Basin; distant-sourced and secondary accumulate­d reservoirs; accumulati­on period; accumulati­on process; control factors

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