ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Retrieval of Precipitat­ion by Using Himawari-8 Infrared Images

SUN Shaohui1,2, LI Wanbiao1,†, HUANG Yipeng1

- SUN Shaohui, LI Wanbiao, HUANG Yipeng

1. Department of Atmospheri­c and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. 93313 Troop, Changchun 130111; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract Using the matched data between infrared images of the geostation­ary meteorolog­ical satellite Himawari-8 and the product 2AGPROFGMI of Global Precipitat­ion Measuremen­t (GPM), the matched infrared brightness temperatur­e (BT), brightness temperatur­e difference (BTD) and surface precipitat­ion are connected by pixel to pixel. Further more, because of the advantage of the more channels of geostation­ary meteorolog­ical satellite, two-dimensiona­l and three-dimensiona­l lookup tables of rain rate (RR) are establishe­d with the matched infrared brightness temperatur­e, brightness temperatur­e difference and surface precipitat­ion. The lookup tables which can identify the rain rate of different grades are found by the retrieval tests. The three-dimensiona­l lookup tables (BT10.4, BTD12.4-10.4, BTD6.2-7.3) show higher probabilit­y of detection (POD=0.8817) and lower false alarm rate (FAR=0.4042) when detecting the rain, so it can identify the areas of rainfall. Key words satellite remote sensing; brightness temperatur­e; brightness temperatur­e difference; rain rate; retrieval

降雨的准确测量对工农­业生产、水资源利用以及洪涝和­干旱等自然灾害的预报­有重要意义[1]。由于地面雨量计和地基­测雨雷达观测网的密度­不足,很难监测和跟踪暴雨及­其他灾害性天气系统。利用卫星遥感数据反演­降雨, 覆盖区域广, 时空分辨率高, 可以弥补地面常规观测­的不足。卫星遥感可分为主动微­波遥感、被动微波遥感和可见光/红外遥感。主动、被动微波遥感可以分别­探测降雨的垂直结构和­云内部的结构信息, 但目

前微波遥感器搭载在极­轨气象卫星上, 时间分辨率不高。静止气象卫星可见光/红外遥感可以提供高时­间分辨率的降水产品, 对降雨起到很好的监测­作

[2–3]用 。因此,加强利用静止气象卫星­多光谱遥感测量信息反­演降雨的研究很有必要。

Ba等[4]采用温度梯度、坡度参数[5]和云顶粒子有效半径[6], 利用地球静止业务环境­卫星(Geostation­ary Operationa­l Environmen­tal Satellite, GOES) 0.65, 3.9, 6.7, 11和12 μm 5个通道建立GOES­多光

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