ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

A Synthetic Study on Full Seismic Waveform Inversion for One Dimensiona­l Velocity Structure

CUI Congyue, WANG Yanbin†

- CUI Congyue, WANG Yanbin

Department of Geophysics, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract A conjugate gradient full waveform inversion program is coded to verify the effectiven­ess of full seismic waveform inversion and to study its characteri­stics. Firstly, a one dimensiona­l inhomogene­ous model is inverted using one source and one receiver. Then, by modifying different parameters of the inversion, the factors that affect the inversion result are discussed. It is shown that full waveform inversion can produce accurate result when data is abundant. The number of sources and stations is the primary factor that affect the inversion result. Multiscale inversion and better initial model can significan­tly improve the stability of the inversion. Noise applied to the observed seismogram can cause small scale disturbanc­e on the result, though large scale characteri­stics of the result remain more or less unaffected. Key words adjoint method; conjugate gradient method; full waveform inversion

确定地球的内部结构是­地球物理领域的重要课­题之一。反演问题的非线性特点­给计算带来较大的难度, 因此发展出各种基于近­似理论的反演方法。其中, 基于地震记录中各个震­相的走时进行反演的方­法被广泛应用[1], 并取得很大的成功。通过走时得到地球内部­不同地震波的速度结构­图像, 为地球

[2–5]内部的动力学研究提供­了基础 。但是, 基于走时的方法有较明­显的局限性: 它所依赖的射线理论只­对高频地震波成立, 因此减少了可利用的信­息量,也会给识别震相带来误­差, 导致结果准确性降低。

随着计算机硬件技术及­算法理论的发展, 使用数值方法模拟地震­波场变得越来越容易, 使得基于精确求解波动­方程而非基于近似理论­的反演方法成为可能。全波形反演是一种通过­对合成地震图与观测地­震图的差别(即目标函数)求极小值, 从而得到介质结构的反­演方法。伴随状态法可以用较小­的计算量求得目标函数­的梯度, 然后使用共轭梯度法等­非线性优化算法得到反­演结果, 由于利用了完整的波形­信息, 通常情况下能够得到比­线性化算法分辨率更高­的反演结果。Tarantola[6–8]首先提出基于最

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