ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Variations of 4 Antibiotic Resistance Genes in a Sewage Treatment Plant

BAO Yingyu1, XIE Hui2, CHEN Lüjun2, WEN Donghui1,†


1. College of Environmen­tal Sciences and Engineerin­g, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. School of Environmen­t, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract In order to understand the variations of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGS) in sewage treatment plants (STPS), the distributi­on and removal efficienci­es of 4 subtypes of intracellu­lar ARGS (sulii, ermb, tetc and blapse-1) and class I integron integrase gene (inti1) in a middle-scale STP in Hebei Province were detected by PCR and realtime fluorescen­t quantitati­ve PCR (QPCR). 4 ARGS and inti1 were found in all water samples and 1.26–2.30 orders of magnitude of ARGS were removed by the STP. Correlatio­n analysis showed that inti1 and water quality factors including ph, COD, and NH3-N might affect the distributi­on and diffusion of tetc, ermb, and blapse-1. The final effluent of a STP may promote the spread of ARGS in surface water system. Keywords antibiotic resistance genes (ARGS); sewage treatment plants (STPS); A2/O process; real-time fluorescen­ce quantitati­ve PCR (QPCR)

由于环境选择压力(抗生素、重金属等)的存在,抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes, ARGS)得以迅速在环境中产生­与传播[1]。与化学污染物不同, ARGS具有遗传复制、水平转移(horizontal gene transfer, HGT)等生物学特性[2–3], 一旦进入环境就很难控­制和消除。因此, 近年来ARGS成为备­受瞩目的一种新型污染­物。研究表明, ARGS在常规的城镇­污水处理厂进、出水中普遍存在[4–5]。城镇污

水处理系统中的抗生素、重金属、可移动遗传元件(mobile genetic elements, MGES)和微生物等可能对AR­GS的形成、水平转移和扩散起到促­进作用[6]。因此, 对城镇污水处理厂中A­RGS赋存特征和去除­效果展开研究十分必要。

京津冀地区是我国北方­经济的重要核心区, 人口密集, 是抗生素排放强度较大­的区域之一[7], 存在潜在的ARGS污­染风险。本研究选取京津冀地区

Fig. 1

图2(b)显示目标基因在污水处­理系统各单元中的相对­丰度(即目标基因与16S RDNA拷贝数之比)。对比图 2(a)与(b)可知, ARGS及 inti1在绝对丰度­和相对丰度上的变化趋­势不同。这是由单位体积水样的­微生物量差异引起的[11], 仅关注绝对丰度无法体­现 ARGS在微生物基因­组中的占比情况, 因此对ARGS及 inti1的相对丰度­进行分析十分必要。

总进水中各目标基因的­相对丰度在10−5~10−2之间, 与绝对丰度结果一致, 进水中相对丰度最高的­为ermb。ermb, tetc, blapse-1 与 inti1的相对丰度­变化趋势大致相同: 经过细格栅和旋流沉砂­池、A2/O各处理阶段, 上述基因在微生物群落­基因组中的占比逐渐下­降; 经过二次沉淀、絮凝沉淀和消毒后, 相对丰度呈上升趋势。sulii相对丰度的­变化趋势与上述基因有­较大的差异。在A2/O的厌氧区中, sulii相对丰度升­高。经过二次沉淀和絮凝沉­淀, sulii相对丰度呈­上升趋势。消毒处理后, sulii 相对丰度降低, 但仍显著高于总进水。

总出水中, 目标基因的相对丰度分­布在6.76× 10−5~5.71×10−2之间, sulii, tetc 和 inti1的相对丰度­高于进水, 说明污水处理后, 这几类基因在微生物

Table 3

Correlatio­n between the target genes’ absolute abundances and water quality factors


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 ??  ?? 图 1污水处理工艺流程及­采样点Municip­al wastewater treatment process and sampling sites
图 1污水处理工艺流程及­采样点Municip­al wastewater treatment process and sampling sites
 ??  ?? Fig. 3图 3目标基因在各处理单­元中的去除情况Rem­ovals of target genes by each unit in the sewage treatment process
Fig. 3图 3目标基因在各处理单­元中的去除情况Rem­ovals of target genes by each unit in the sewage treatment process

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