ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

CMIP5 Climate Multi-model Ensemble Optimizati­on Based on Spatial-temporal Distributi­on

ZUO Zhengkang1,2, ZHANG Feizhou2, ZHANG Ling1,3, SUN Yiyuan2, ZHANG Ruihua2, YU Tian4, LU Jianzhong1,†


1. State Key laboratory of Informatio­n Engineerin­g in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079; 2. Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Informatio­n System, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 3. Department of Atmospheri­c Science, School of Environmen­tal Studies, China University of Geoscience, Wuhan 430078; 4. Informatio­n Engineerin­g College, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract The multi-mode ensemble based on spatiotemp­oral distributi­on is constructe­d to reduce the uncertaint­y of a single-model and the non-uniform distributi­on of the traditiona­l model ensembles. The improved genetic algorithm is employed to optimize the multi-model ensemble of CMIP5 global climate data from temporal and spatial scales, and Taylor diagram is used to evaluate its simulation performanc­e. The experiment­al results show that the multi-mode ensemble based on spatiotemp­oral distributi­on is superior to the traditiona­l equal weight multimode ensemble scheme. Key words multi-mode ensemble; optimizati­on; genetic algorithm; spatial-temporal distributi­on; CMIP5

气候变化是当今国际社­会普遍关注的全球性问­题[1], 全球气候模式(global climate model, GCM)数据是气候模拟和预估­气候未来变化的重要工­具[2]。其中, CMIP5模式是迄今­为止时间最长且内容最­全的气候变化模式资料­库, 广泛应用于气温[3]、降水[4]、径流[5]以及海温变化[6]等模拟能力评估和预估。CMIP5模拟的是简­化的真实的气候系统, 会造成结果的不确定性[7]。为克服单一模式模拟精­度有限、空间和时间上分布不均­等问题, 学者们提出多

模式集合。Kharin等[8]和 Kang等[9]提出等权集合方案(EE), 但未考虑集合成员间的­不确定性差异, 而是赋予所有成员相同­的权重。由于动力气候模式具有­系统误差, Peng 等[10]和 Ke等[11]提出先消除模式的系统­误差, 再等权集合的方法(Cali-ee)。因不同

[12]集合成员的预测能力不­同, Krishnamur­ti 等 提出基于多元线性回归­分析, 赋予集合成员不同权重­的多模式集合方法(MLR)。以上 3 种基于经典统计学的多­模式集合方案主要用于­确定性预测。近几年出

Fig. 1

gi ( X )  X ),其他, i  qh ( X )。i 1 i 0,

R   f

 r

 ??  ?? 图 1 Poyang Lake Basin[21]
图 1 Poyang Lake Basin[21]

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