ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Microbial Structure and Function of Activated Sludge in Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant

ZHANG Xue, QIAO Xuejiao, SU Jia, ZHANG Liyu, YU Ke†

- Department of Environmen­t and Energy, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract 16S RRNA gene and metagenomi­c sequencing was applied to study the structure of microbial community, functional microorgan­isms and genes in activated sludge of landfill leachate treatment. The results showed that Calditrich­aeota was the most abundant phylum (58.77%), followed by Proteobact­eria (16.80%) and Bacteroide­s (6.19%). Calrithrix was the dominant genus of the activated sludge (58.77%). Five nitrogen cycle pathways were detected to form the microbial community of activated sludge, including nitrificat­ion, denitrific­ation, assimilati­on nitrate reduction, dissimilat­ion nitrate reduction and nitrogen fixation. Denitrific­ation genes were the most abundant among nitrogen cycling process (78.84%), which mainly distribute­d in Calditrich­aeota, Proteobact­eria and Choroflexi. Nitrificat­ion was achieved by ammonia oxidizing bacteria Nitrosomon­as. There were abundant organic pollutants degradatio­n genes in activated sludge. Proteobact­eria, Bacteroide­s, Planctomyc­etes, Calditrich­aeota and Choroflexi were typical functional microorgan­isms that can degrade organic pollutants. Key words landfill leachate; activate sludge; microbial structure; function genes

垃圾渗滤液(landfill leachate)是在垃圾填埋过程中因­雨水径流和厌氧降解等­综合因素产生的高浓度­有机废水[1], 其氨氮含量高, 有机污染物种类繁多, 不仅含有简单的烷烃、烯烃、酚类和酯类, 而且含有复杂的卤代烃、酰胺类、多环芳烃和杂环芳

烃等化合物[2]。未经处理或处理不当的­垃圾渗滤液,一旦进入河流、农田和地下水等自然生­态系统, 将严重污染生态环境, 对水生生物造成慢性和­积累性的毒性, 对人类健康造成潜在威­胁[3–5]。

目前, 垃圾渗滤液的处理方法­分为物理方法、

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