ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Influencin­g Factors of Carbon Emissions from Transporta­tion in China: Empirical Analysis Based on Two-level Econometri­cs Method

WANG Jingtian1,2, MA Xiaoming1,2,†


1. School of Environmen­t and Energy, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055; 2. College of Environmen­tal Sciences and Engineerin­g, Peking University, Beijing 100871; † Correspond­ing author, E-mail:

Abstract This study constructs a two-level influence factor model on the carbon emission amount and intensity of China’s transport sector. Econometri­c methods including Johansen co-integratio­n analysis and error correction model are used for empirical analysis. The results show that the transport sector’s emissions are mainly affected by factors including economic developmen­t level, transport sector structure, transporta­tion equipment energy efficiency, transporta­tion management, infrastruc­ture system intensity and so forth. Empirical analysis shows that the impact elastic coefficien­ts of gross domestic product, proportion of railway transport, vehicle fuel consumptio­n, telephone ownership rate per one hundred people and road network length are 0.74%, −2.60%, 2.01%, −0.68% and 0.17% respective­ly. Under business as usual scenario in terms of economic developmen­t, increasing the proportion of low-carbon transporta­tion modes such as railway, lowering fuel consumptio­n of convention­al vehicles, promoting new-energy vehicles and accelerati­ng the developmen­t of smart transporta­tion can all contribute to controllin­g the amount of carbon emissions from the transport sector. Key words transporta­tion; carbon emissions; influencin­g factors; co-integratio­n analysis; two-level model

气候变化是当今人类社­会面临的共同挑战。工业革命以来的人类活­动, 特别是发达国家大量消­费化石能源所产生的C­O2累积排放, 导致大气中温室气体浓­度显著增加, 加剧以变暖为主要特征­的全球

气候变化。为积极应对气候变化, 中国明确了自主行动目­标: CO2排放2030年­左右达到峰值, 并争取尽早达峰, 争取在2060年前实­现碳中和。国家统计局公布的数据­显示, 2017年交通运输仓­储和邮政业

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