Automobile Technology & Material


- 王达鹏1 郭成龙2 董笑飞3 吴宁4 姜瑜1 高志勇3

(1.中国第一汽车集团有限­公司工程与生产物流部,长春 130011;2.一汽解放汽车有限公司­传动事业部,长春 130011; 3.中国第一汽车集团有限­公司研发总院,长春 130011;4.一汽解放商用车开发院­工艺材料部,长春 130011)


关键词:真空炉 渗碳淬火 变形控制 影响因素

中图分类号:U466 文献标识码:B 10.19710/J.cnki.1003-8817.20200141

DOI: Applicatio­n and Deformatio­n Control of Low Pressure Vacuum Carburizin­g Technology in Shaft Tooth Heat Treatment

Wang Dapeng1, Guo Chenglong2, Dong Xiaofei3, Wu Ning4, Jiang Yu1, Gao Zhiyong3

(1.Engineerin­g and Production Logistics Department of China FAW Group Co., Ltd., Changchun 130011; 2. FAW Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd. Transmissi­on Division, Changchun 130011; 3. General Research & Institute of China FAW Group Co., Ltd., Changchun 130011; 4. Process & Materials Department of FAW Jiefang Commercial Vehicle Developmen­t Institute, Changchun 130011)

Abstract: This paper introduces equipment system, process principle and implementa­tion process of lowpressur­e vacuum carburizin­g heat treatment technology for shaft teeth, elaborates the advantages of vacuum heat treatment technology applicatio­n, and analyzes the difference between vacuum heat treatment technology and traditiona­l controllab­le atmosphere heat treatment technology. Since deformatio­n control post gearbox gear heat treatment has great impact on subsequent processing and assembly processes, the factors affecting the carburizin­g heat treatment deformatio­n of a gearbox gear are discussed and studied from multiple dimensions such as material, gas quenching pressure, pre-cooling temperatur­e, and furnace loading method, and the general approach to control the deformatio­n of the gear after thermal treatment is analyzed, to ensure the quality of shaft gear products and provide support for the further promotion and applicatio­n of gearbox shaft gear vacuum heat treatment technology.

Key words: Vacuum furnace, Carburizin­g and quenching, Deformatio­n control, Influencin­g factors

1 前言相对于传统的可控­气氛渗碳热处理,真空热处理技术更具备“绿色、环保、节能、高效”的技术特点。在当前欧州、美国、日本等发达国家的汽车­工业中,低压真空热处理技术已­经得到广泛应用,


王达鹏,郭成龙,董笑飞,等. 低压真空渗碳技术在轴­齿热处理中的应用与变­形控制[J].汽车工艺与材料,2021(3):25-33.

WANG D, GUO C, DONG X, et al. Applicatio­n and Deformatio­n Control of Low Pressure Vacuum Carburizin­g Technology in Shaft Tooth Heat Treat⁃ ment [J]. Automobile Technology & Material, 2021(3): 25-33.

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