Beijing Review

Xu Fuxiang (


Economic Daily): Nowadays, extracurri­cular tutoring seems to have become compulsory for students in primary and middle schools. On one hand, for children to get into the top universiti­es, tutorial classes are a must, but on the other, financial pressures stemming from such classes are a heavy burden for parents. Although the happiness of childhood is being stolen by these classes, it would be unwise to do away with these kinds of lessons all together.

Nowadays, not all such classes are designed for the purpose of entrance examinatio­ns. There are piano, violin, art and calligraph­y classes, among others. Sports classes are also becoming increasing­ly popular, such as fencing and swimming, and there are science courses for robotics. More and more institutio­ns are turning to classes that enhance other skills rather than just studying ability.

Even those classes that continue to focus on boosting students’ academic performanc­e are starting to employ more dynamic and enjoyable teaching methods. English classes, for example, now frequently use games and movies to convey the language, instead of simply bombarding students with English grammar points. As children feel more positively about attending these classes, they will also become more active in studying than before.

Therefore, it’s unwise to completely rule out extracurri­cular tuition, and it is better to view it as a healthy supplement to regular education. It is also important to be discerning, so as to differenti­ate the qualified from the illegal. Education authoritie­s should adopt an annual evaluation system for tutorial classes to this end. Meanwhile, it’s necessary to encourage classes for subjects that cater to a wide range of interests, such as music, dance, drawing, and sports, while there should be some limitation on the number of classes offering intensive study. Lastly, schools and families should cooperate over reasonable arrangemen­ts for students’ extracurri­cular classes, so that while still attending some, students can enjoy more of their summer and winter vacations. Handan Evening News): extracurri­cular lessons. Teaching in schools is suitable for the majority of students, so parents should never put tutorial classes before standard education.

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