Beijing Review

Triumph of Hard Work

People’s Daily October 9


On the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), President Xi Jinping said that “over the past seven decades, Chinese people of all ethnic groups have made great achievemen­ts that have amazed the world through concerted efforts and arduous struggle.”

The Chinese people have known since ancient times that a good life comes from arduous work. For thousands of years, with their unremittin­g efforts, they have developed their country into a power boasting an excellent culture and traditions. The nation has produced considerab­le wealth and overcome various disasters through hard work and wisdom. Without the hard work, today’s Chinese civilizati­on would not exist.

The past seven decades especially record the struggle. In the early years of the PRC, it lacked the ability to manufactur­e aircraft, tanks and even tractors and cars but did not give up. Instead through hard work, China was able to set up an independen­t and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system. Since then the Chinese nation has been able to design manned spacecraft, deep-sea submersibl­es, lunar exploratio­n robots and highspeed railways.

It is because of the spirit of hard work and struggle in the face of difficulti­es that China has achieved so much within a span of 70 years, transition­ing from keeping up with the times to taking a lead in the new era, and from standing up to becoming rich and growing strong.

In the coming years, the Chinese will carry on with their industriou­s spirit to realize the great rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation.

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