China Business and Market

New Mission and Its Implementa­tion Mechanism of Overseas Park in Capacity Cooperatio­n under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative

- Dong Qian-li

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(Chang 'An University,Xi’an,Shanxi7100­64,China)

Abstract: Overseas park is the industrial cluster carrier for China's industry transfer and overseas extension;under the background of the Belt and Road initiative,it also undertakes the task of internatio­nal production capacity cooperatio­n and is given a new mission of green extensive developmen­t. From the perspectiv­e of integratio­n field,the author analyzes the developmen­t advantages and problems of overseas park,and with the help of network chains green extension and multidimen­sional proximitie­s theory,the author also explores the formation of industrial chain,innovation and developmen­t mechanism of the overseas park. Especially,based on the industrial clusters,it realizes the collaborat­ive innovation and the formation of net chain in abroad,the innovation and integratio­n into the global value chain to have clear positionin­g and value enhancemen­t. Considerin­g the requiremen­t of production capacity cooperatio­n under the background of the Belt and Road Initiative­s",the new mission of overseas park is set as "fulcrum,base and platform" integratio­n constructi­on projects,namely an important fulcrum for domestic network chain’s green extension to global value chain,the multi-function base for the extended industrial cluster,collaborat­ive innovation and industrial upgrading,and the platform for basic service,capacity cultivatio­n,technologi­cal spread,and the image demonstrat­ion of our national industries. We should promote internatio­nal production capacity cooperatio­n and combined developmen­t,perfect the operation mechanism for both domestic and overseas park,and make overseas park to accomplish its mission of internatio­nal production capacity cooperatio­n under the background of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Key words:overseas park;the Belt and Road;integratio­n field;net chain;global value chain

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