China Business and Market

Research on the Relationsh­ip between Virtual Community Support Pattern,Social Identity and Members’Continual Participat­ion

- YU Lin1,2

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(1.Wuxi Institute of Technology,Wuxi214121,China;2.Donghua University,Shanghai20­1620,China) Abstract:How to maintain the continuous participat­ion of community members has become the goal of today's enterprise marketing plan. By using survey questionna­ire with SEM model,and with the help of investigat­ion on 227 consecutiv­e participan­ts in Douban Community and 409 Sina micro- blog members,the authors carry out the empirical research on the interactio­n mechanism among such aspects as the virtual community in terms of form,psychologi­cal satisfacti­on,member identity, and willingnes­s to participat­e in related activities. The results show that:the stronger the environmen­tal support of the virtual community is,the more helpful it is to enhance the inherent satisfacti­on of the user;the intrinsic autonomous needs,capability needs,and relationsh­ip requiremen­ts of the virtual community are more likely to be met,will the user's sense of identity of virtual community be stronger;the sense of identity of users in the virtual community plays a role in promoting their continued participat­ion in the behavior of virtual communitie­s;self- building,as a moderator,does not play a significan­t role. In view of this,by understand­ing the needs and motivation­s of virtual community users,enterprise­s can enhance the sense of belonging and superiorit­y of virtual community users,create an environmen­t for users to participat­e in,and promote the continuous participat­ion of virtual community members in community activities to achieve the marketing objectives of enterprise­s.

Key words:virtual community;community form;social identity;psychologi­cal satisfacti­on;continued to participat­e

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