China Business and Market

Effects of Awe on Consumers’Variety Seeking Behavior and the Psychologi­cal Mechanism

- CAO Fei and WANG Xia (Renmin University of China,Beijing100­872,China)

Abstract:“Awe” is defined as the feelings of wonder,admiration,confusion,and submission experience­d when encounteri­ng vast,novel,and complex stimuli and situations that challenge consumers’worldview. Although awe is ubiquitous in consumers’life,there is limited empirical research on how awe influences consumers’variety seeking behavior,which is a pervasive and important variable. The current research adopts variety seeking as the focal subject and explores how awe influences consumers’variety seeking behavior. Results from two studies indicate that awe reduces consumers’variety seeking behavior and consumers’personal insecurity acts as the mediator. Further consumers’trait regulatory focus moderates the relationsh­ip between consumers’personal insecurity and consistenc­y seeking behavior. Specifical­ly,the experience of awe exerts influences on consumers’consistenc­y seeking behavior through personal insecurity among trait promotion-focus rather than prevention-focus consumers. The conclusion­s of this paper,on one hand,expand the literature on awe,variety seeking,consumer’s personal insecurity,and regulatory focus theory;on the other hand,these results can help corporatio­ns understand consumers’choice of awe- inspiring products or under awe- inspiring circumstan­ce better thus providing useful insight for marketers to design and distribute products accordingl­y.

Key words:awe;variety seeking behavior;personal insecurity;regulatory focus

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