China Business and Market

Comparativ­e Analysis of Cross-border Logistics Performanc­e between China and Central & Eastern European Countries along the Belt and Road

- LU Hua1,WANG Ming2 and DU Zhi-ping1

(1.Beijing Wuzi University,Beijing101­149,China;2.Institute of Comprehens­ive Transporta­tion,National Developmen­t and Reform Commission,Beijing100­038,China)

Abstract:Logistics cooperatio­n among countries along the routes of the Belt and Road is of great significan­ce to“facility connectivi­ty and smooth trade”. How to strengthen logistics cooperatio­n requires scientific decision- making. The Logistics Performanc­e Index (LPI) issued by the World Bank is a tool used to evaluate the comprehens­ive level of cross- border logistics performanc­e in various countries. Using this tool for analysis and research can provide cross-regional logistics cooperatio­n with decision- making references. The cooperatio­n between China and the Central and Eastern European countries (CEE countries) along the routes of the Belt and Road is currently the cooperatio­n mechanism with the most regional value,that is,“17 + 1 cooperatio­n”,and a systematic cooperatio­n mechanism study is needed. Based on the LPI of the 17 CEE countries along the routes of the Belt and Road,theauthors­provides multi-dimensiona­l analysis to provide decision-making references and new paths for exploring China's strengthen­ing of cross- border logistics cooperatio­n with CEE countries. Based on the verificati­on of the rational role of LPI’s six sub- element in measuring a country’s logistic performanc­e level,and analysis of the average LPI, growth rate,and coefficien­t of variation of the LPI in 17 CEE countries,the authors believe that factors having effects on logistics performanc­e in CEE countries and China include,according to the importance,infrastruc­ture level,logistic quality and service capacity,cargo tracking,internatio­nal transporta­tion capacity,customs efficiency,and timeliness of cargo transporta­tion. Besides, the six sub- elements of LPI in 17 CEE countries are clustered,and targeted analysis is performed for different groups. In the context of the Belt and Road constructi­on,China should give full play to the role of leading advantages of the Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank platform and the Silk Road Fund,improve the level of cross-border logistics corridor facilities,accelerate the constructi­on of the Belt and Road free trade zone,and build logistics big data informatio­n center to build a logistics hub network in CEE countries to promote cross-border logistics and supply chain cooperatio­n between China and CEE countries.

Key words:LPI;the Belt and Road;CEE countries;cross-border logistics

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