China Business and Market

The Regulation Dilemma and Countermea­sures of Anti-unfair Competitio­n Law of Data Capture Behavior

- SHEN Gui-ming and LIU Yuan

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(School of Economics and Law,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200000,China)

Abstract:Under the background of digital economy,disputes caused by data capture behavior between enterprise­s are common. In the context of unclear right attribute of network user data,the regulation path of expanding interpreta­tion of general private law norms is mostly adopted in practice. With the deepening understand­ing of the illegality of data capture,judicial organs gradually turn to apply the general provisions of anti-unfair competitio­n law to judge disputes over data capture behavior. There are some problems in the judgment of data capture cases of unfair competitio­n,such as excessive reliance on general provision, vague judgment standards of "good faith" and "business ethics",and limited space for the applicatio­n of Internet provision. In order to realize the regulation of anti- unfair competitio­n law against data capture,first,we should,establish the principle of modesty of general clauses and follow the idea of market superiorit­y to prevent the hindering of market innovation;second,the judicial organ should change the judgment thinking of "triple authorizat­ion" as the standard to judge whether data capture behavior violates business ethics,and respect enterprise­s’legitimate right in data capture and process;third,we should detail the judgement standard of general provisions,and construct the multi-level judgment standards of network user authorizat­ion,cost input,social public welfare and so on according to the proportion of them;and fourth,coordinate the applicatio­n relationsh­ip between general terms and Internet terms,and regulate data capture behavior by means of case balancing or constructi­ng new Internet special provision,which are the basic paths to solve the regulatory dilemma of data capture behavior against unfair competitio­n law.

Key words:data

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