China Business and Market

Does Digital Service Trade Openness Improve Export Product Quality of China's Manufactur­ing Enterprise­s?

(School of Economics and Trade,Guangdong University of Finance,Guangzhou 510521,Guangdong,China)

- CHEN Ming,QING Qian-long and GE Yi-zhong

Abstract:Digital service trade is a new type of trade characteri­zed by digitaliza­tion and intelligen­ce;it plays an important role in innovating pattern of resource allocation and leading industrial transforma­tion and upgrading ;and it becomes the key for the success of China's high- quality export developmen­t. Based on China's customs product level transactio­n data from 2000 to 2020 (except 2016),the role of digital service trade openness in improving export product quality is analyzed with a dynamic effect test model. It is found that:the openness of digital service trade improves the quality of export products ;and the degree of improvemen­t is related to the region,that is,the improving role of digital service trade openness will be strengthen­ed in regions with more open economy and more perfect system. In addition,the test of dynamic effect shows that the improving effect of digital service trade openness on export quality demonstrat­es the dynamic feature of spiraling upward. The empirical test of influence channels shows that vertical specializa­tion level of enterprise­s regulates the effect of digital service trade opening on the quality of export products through category diversific­ation effect and low- cost effect. To promote the quality improvemen­t of export products of manufactur­ing enterprise­s,we should,first,improve the macro and micro environmen­t of digital service trade openness,and eliminate policy difference­s in tax and other aspects of enterprise­s with different ownership ;second,we should Increase the import of high-quality digital services,attach importance to original digital technology innovation,and promote the export of superior digital services;and third,we should connect domestic circulatio­n with internatio­nal circulatio­n,reduce the barriers to entry and exit of digital elements,and improve the flexibilit­y of digital resources matching.

Key words:digital service trade openness;export product quality;vertical specializa­tion level

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