China Daily (Hong Kong)

Shenzhen ponders bad-behavior law

- By HUANG YULI in Shenzhen, Guangdong

Whether police or the urban management bureau will enforce proposed regulation­s for residents’ bad public behavior has become the latest hot topic in Shenzhen, as the city is drafting the nation’s first legislatio­n on the issue.

The city in Guangdong province has carried out three opinion polls and three rounds of debate about the regulation since late June. The regulation­making process has drawn wide public attention.

The first opinion poll of 81,000 people focused on which behaviors are bad.

The 10 most common bad behaviors include setting up street stalls, spitting, throwing garbage on the street and cutting in line.

The 10 most controvers­ial behaviors include raising dogs without registrati­on, bringing dogs to parks, gyms and other public places, and smoking in public places.

The 10 behaviors residents believe should be punished the most include throwing things from cars or buildings, and damaging manhole covers and traffic signs.

The second opinion poll, carried out in late July, focused on punishment. Of the 103,623 questionna­ires collected, 80 percent said bad behaviors should lead to “severe punishment”, while 60 percent believe those who continue to behave badly should be kept from working as civil servants.

About the fines, 34 percent residents agree with 200 yuan ($31), while 29 percent believe 50 yuan, and 45 percent believe it is reasonable to impose fines of between 50 to 200 yuan.

Questions in the third poll included which government department should enforce the law, which behaviors would require administra­tive detention, and which community services would be adopted as punishment.

Dai Guangyu, deputy head of the committee for education, science, culture and public health of the Shenzhen People’s Congress Standing Committee, said that in Japan and Singapore, the police are the main enforcemen­t bodies for bad behavior in public.

Dai said the result of this opinion poll will come out in two or three days.

Li Xiaofang, a public relations manager in the city, believes the police should take care of enforcing the regulation­s.

“I think the police are more able to enforce the law. Compared with chengguan (urban management officers), the police are tougher,” she said.

Zhao Hong, a media employee, thinks it should be the chengguan’s job.

“Chengguan should be the enforcemen­t body since bad behaviors like spitting and throwing garbage on the street belong to urban management.”

According to the Shenzhen urban management bureau’s website, its main responsibi­lities include law enforcemen­t and management of the city’s appearance, environmen­t, urban landscape and forestatio­n.

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