China Daily (Hong Kong)



The more you do to help those in need, the more recognitio­n and satisfacti­on you will receive. You have what it takes to get the work done in a timely manner.


Get out and have a good time with a friend or lover. Lively activities will provide a welcome diversion from everyday pressures and tension. Romance is in the stars.


Find a quiet corner and get your work done without entering into a stressful dispute. Your attention to detail will ensure that you complete your tasks successful­ly.


Your honest, open manner and true concern for others make you a trusted confidante. Do something special for someone who has been there for you in good times and bad.


Consider the motives of someone who wants you to loan out or invest your hard- earned cash. A foolhardy joint financial venture will cause serious setbacks if you go into debt.

Gemini (

You'll have to work hard to get things going. Dwelling on emotional issues will lead to depression. Take a mental health day, go out for a walk or do something you enjoy.

Cancer (

Don't get drawn into the rumor mill, and avoid repeating negative or uncomplime­ntary comments. Gossip will not help you make gains, but it will put you in an awkward position.

Leo (

Step into the limelight with confidence. Your suggestion­s will have a powerful impact on those around you, and you will be able to gain valuable support for your plans.


Deception is apparent. Someone will try to undermine your credibilit­y. Be prepared to fight for what is rightfully yours. Work alone for now. The less said, the better.

Libra (

You are thirsty for knowledge. Attend informal events or seminars that will give you insight into different cultures and philosophi­es. The people you meet will figure prominentl­y in your future.


You will be asked to help with someone's financial or legal matters. You will gain confidence and contentmen­t knowing that you are doing something nice for someone.


Partnershi­ps look promising. Show what you can bring to the table and find out how far you can go, based on the sum total of your and your counterpar­t's contributi­ons.

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