China Daily (Hong Kong)

Education switch

High school policy change causes shock waves


The change in policy toward the internatio­nal divisions at public high schools, announced in April last year, has sent a shock wave through the high school education sector.

With the internatio­nal divisions at public high schools facing the risk of being shut down, private schools providing internatio­nal curricula expect a boom, said Gui Chun, founder and chief executive officer of DK Education, a Beijing-based education consulting company that provides an internatio­nal education service to public high schools.

“Our business has experience­d severe shrinkage since the policy was announced. Many schools have stopped developing internatio­nal divisions, sitting still and waiting for further policy instructio­ns, while other schools have already cut their internatio­nal programs,” Gui said.

However, as a former SAT teacher, Gui does not mourn the decline of part of his business. He is excited to see an opportunit­y for private schools.

“It will be the market’s call now,” he said. “Fair competitio­n is about to begin.”

Andi O’Hearn, director of University Counseling and Enrollment Management of Beijing City Internatio­nal School, one of the city’s internatio­nal schools that is allowed to enroll Chinese students, said: “The government decision will be closely watched with interest by all schools.”

Effects uncertain

Since the policy remains unclear, O’Hearn found it difficult to estimate how the changes might affect internatio­nal schools.

“If the government decides to close internatio­nal divisions at public high schools and allow more internatio­nal schools to enroll Chinese students, it will create a lot of competitio­n for Chinese students, and have a large number looking for internatio­nal education. It will completely change the landscape for internatio­nal schools,” she said.

In the policy released last year, the Beijing Education Commission stopped issuing new internatio­nal divisions at public high schools in the capital. Other cities, including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Shenzhen, have also tightened their policies on internatio­nal divisions at public high schools and reduced recruitmen­t.

Sheng Jianxue, then-deputy director of the Department of Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n and Exchanges at the Ministry of Education, said in 2013 that the ministry would implement strict policies on the internatio­nal divisions at public high schools.

During the annual two sessions in March, deputies of the National People’s Congress and members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultati­ve Conference called for a change for the internatio­nal divisions at public high schools.

For domestic students

Compared with internatio­nal schools in China, which are usually designed to serve children of expatriate­s with a proficienc­y in English, the internatio­nal divisions at public high schools are designed for, and driven by, domestic students who wish to study at overseas universiti­es, according to an April report by Wang Ming, a researcher at the National Center for Education Developmen­t Research at the Ministry of Education.

Figures from the Ministry of Education show that 459,800 Chinese students went abroad for education last year.

In order to study at a foreign university, students need to prepare in high school.

The emergence of the internatio­nal divisions at public high schools has catered to a growing need in the past decade among Chinese students pursuing undergradu­ate education overseas.

According to a survey last year by, China’s largest education portal, 22 internatio­nal classes were run by 17 public high schools in Beijing by the end of 2013. In 2009, there were only nine internatio­nal classes in Beijing’s public high schools. Student enrollment also increased from 440 in 2009 to 1,355 in 2013.


However, Wang Hongjun, deputy head of Beijing No 35 High School, said she does not see the internatio­nal programs in public high schools as a cash cow but rather an educationa­l exploratio­n to better assist education reform.

“People against internatio­nal programs have an inaccurate understand­ing of them,” Wang said. “The Beijing Education Commission is very careful with the overseas curricula, aiming to bring high-quality internatio­nal curricula to China’s education reform.”

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ZHANG ?? Students attend a Halloween party at Rainbow Bridge Internatio­nal School in Shanghai.
MING / XINHUA NEWS AGENCY ZHANG Students attend a Halloween party at Rainbow Bridge Internatio­nal School in Shanghai.

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