China Daily (Hong Kong)

How eating a Mediterran­ean diet can help beat hay fever


As a child, my older brother suffered terribly from hay fever and allergies. Our father was a vet and we lived in a house full of animals, surrounded by fields. His suffering lessened as he got older but it was only when he went to work on boats in Mallorca that he became virtually symptom-free.

I can’t prove it, but I’d wager that the Mediterran­ean way of eating (fresh veg, fruit, fish, nuts and oils), plus sunshine and ocean air, helped.

As many of us struggle through the summer with itchy eyes, congested, streaming noses, rashes and irritated throats, what can we learn from his experience?

A recent study published in the medical journal Thorax found that Cretans who ate a typical Mediterran­ean diet (high in cell-protecting and immune-boosting antioxidan­ts), had fewer hay-fever symptoms.

It also found that eating margarine (a rarity in the Med) increased congestion and wheezing in hay-fever sufferers. Researcher­s put this down to it being a processed product containing damaging, inflammato­ry fats.

In hay-fever sufferers, the body releases the chemical histamine into the bloodstrea­m when it believes it’s under attack from an allergen (ie grass or tree pollen) and this causes inflammati­on in the sinuses, airways and eyes.

Antihistam­ine medication works well, but tweaking your diet can also ease suffering. In my brother’s case, four years of eating a gluten- and dairy-free diet (after finding he was sensitive to both) saw him able to ride horses again. On an organic, vegetable-rich diet, many of his symptoms lessened.

If you’re one of the 21 million hayfever sufferers in the UK, don’t ignore what you eat: consider a Mediterran­ean-style diet.

Get outside for 10 minutes a day to top up vitamin D levels (it supports healthy immune function).

Lastly, avoid histamine- or foodsensit­ivity triggers such as gluten, sugar and too much caffeine and alcohol. Keep a food diary to identify what triggers your symptoms, and you may well enjoy a sniffle-free summer.

At a glance: hay fever

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