China Daily (Hong Kong)

A national symbol of pride dying off in the wild

- By AGENCE FRANCEPRES­SE in Yangon, Myanmar

Embraced by kings and common people alike, Myanmar’s peacocks have long been a national symbol of pride and resistance — but they are becoming ever harder to spot in the wild.

Ornitholog­ist Thet Zaw Naing is worried. Every year that goes by, Myanmar’s national bird becomes a less familiar sight.

“They always walk on the ground and they sleep in trees at night,” he tells AFP. “And before they go to sleep, they always cry ‘Oway Oway’. That’s why people can know easily where they are and easily capture them.”

Decades ago the birds, with their bright green plumage and famously ostentatio­us male tail feathers, were ubiquitous.

But like so many of Myanmar’s most iconic flora and fau- na, rampant poaching and habitat loss under decades of unaccounta­ble junta rule has hit their numbers hard.

For Myanmar, the declining peacock population is more than just a conservati­on tragedy — it’s a blow to the national psyche.

The bird occupies a lofty place in the country’s culture.

For decades it was the official symbol of Burma’s last kings, the Konbaung Dynasty (17521885). Their monarchs wore peacock insignia on their robes and famously sat atop the Peacock Throne until their rule was toppled by British colonialis­ts.

But some worry the birds will soon only be visible inside history books and political rallies unless action is taken.

Having once ranged from India to Indonesia, the green peafowl, as it is officially known, is in severe decline.

The Internatio­nal Union for Conservati­on of Nature currently lists the species as endangered on their red list.

“It has undergone a serious decline and the only sizeable remaining population­s are found in dry forests in Cambodia, Myanmar and west-central Vietnam,” the IUCN says, adding pockets still persist in northern Thailand, southern Laos, China’s Yunnan province and on Indonesia’s Java island.

It is believed to be extinct in Bangladesh, Malaysia, peninsula Thailand and India — with the exception of a few individual­s occasional­ly encountere­d in India’s far northeaste­rn Manipur state bordering Myanmar.

The Ministry of Environmen­tal Conservati­on and Forestry in Naypyidaw says the birds are protected under the Wildlife Act of Myanmar.

Yet, experts say many people in rural areas are unaware of the peacock’s legally protected status, poaching them for their eggs, meat and bright feathers.

Greater public awareness of the peacock’s plight, particular­ly in rural areas, will be critical in bringing Myanmar’s unofficial national animal back from the brink, says U Thet Zaw Naing.

“The most important thing is to educate the people about how these peacocks are precious for the people and how Myanmar should be proud to have peacocks,” he said.

 ?? YE AUNG THU / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE ?? Two peacocks in Mingaladon, Myanmar, last year.
YE AUNG THU / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Two peacocks in Mingaladon, Myanmar, last year.

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