China Daily (Hong Kong)

Alarm bell ringing due to Trump’s new pick on trade


Because it is so emotionall­y charged, populism can be easily guided for a purpose. One example of this is the campaign rhetoric of Donald Trump about how foreigners have “raped” the United States by “stealing” many of its manufactur­ing jobs. At the time, many Chinese were willing to laugh away such accusation­s against China as just more of the usual rhetoric — though more extreme — that has come to characteri­ze presidenti­al elections in the US. Now, however, there is real cause for concern as the president-elect has named economist Peter Navarro, known for his anti-China alarmism, as his trade adviser.

Trump in a statement announcing the appointmen­t of Navarro as head of a newly created White House National Trade Council, praised the clarity of Navarro’s arguments. Which is perhaps not that surprising given the University of California-Irvine professor was the mastermind of the rhetoric Trump adopted during his campaign, and it had a similar tone to the apocalypti­c language Navarro has used when accusing China of wiping out American manufactur­ing jobs and waging what he claims is an economic war against the US.

His appointmen­t is another sign of the confrontat­ional approach the incoming Trump administra­tion seems intent on taking in relations with China.

It is an indisputab­le fact that China has not stolen jobs from the old manufactur­ing towns in the US, for those jobs were taken elsewhere by US companies who found that US consumers weren’t willing to pay the price for made-in-America products.

A point that was highlighte­d again on Tuesday in a Bloomberg report, which said American-made Macs have become an “albatross” for Apple since it started assembling them in the US in 2013 to “score political points” and some engineers are now pushing to move production “back to Asia”.

And the so-called economic war Navarro claims China is waging is the competitio­n that has risen as China’s economy has moved up the value chain. Indeed the revelation­s of Edward Snowden showed that it is the US that has been using unfair means to gain an economic advantage.

That individual­s such as Navarro who have a bias against China are being picked to work in leading positions in the next administra­tion, is no laughing matter. The new administra­tion should bear in mind that with economic and trade ties between the world’s two largest economies now the closest they have ever been, any move to damage the win-win relationsh­ip will only result in a loss for both sides.

Still, Chinese companies in the US should be on high alert to a more difficult business climate.

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