China Daily (Hong Kong)

Experience Tibet with digital art

- XINHUA By XINHUA in Bangkok

A photograph­y exhibition on Tibet autonomous region kicked off on Wednesday in Bangkok, attracting many to admire the photos and to experience beautiful Tibetan scenery with virtual reality headsets.

Digital Art Exhibition on Tibetan Cultural Heritage, which is jointly organized by Xinhua News Agency and China Mobile, runs for five days at the Siam Paragon mall.

“I must say it’s absolutely fantastic. I’ve seen lots of photograph­s of Tibet. I have been to Tibet myself, but these are the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen about Tibet,” says Willy Mayor, an Austrian living in Thailand.

Besides enjoying photos of Tibet, visitors can also put on virtual-reality headsets to experience the famed Samye Monastery and natural landscapes.

An augmented. reality experience lets visitors use an app to scan selected postcards to learn where photos on these cards are taken and their stories.

Photos taken by reporters from Xinhua using modern technology enable visitors to experience Tibet’s beautiful natural landscape and historical attraction­s, says Ming Dajun, chief of Xinhua’s Bangkok bureau.

“The exhibition is to give Thai people a first impression of Tibet. And we welcome our Thai friends to visit there, to experience Tibet’s culture, religion, economic developmen­t and the changes in people’s lives brought about by China’s reform and openingup,” says Ning Fukui, China’s ambassador to Thailand.

 ??  ?? A visitor takes a photo of an exhibit at the Bangkok show.
A visitor takes a photo of an exhibit at the Bangkok show.

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