China Daily (Hong Kong)

Park subjected to 14-hour interrogat­ion


SEOUL — Former South Korean president Park Geunhye left prosecutor­s’ offices early on Wednesday after being questioned in an investigat­ion into a corruption scandal that brought an early end to her political career.

Park did not respond to reporters’ questions as she emerged from the building after nearly 22 hours and got into a waiting car to be driven to her home in the capital, Seoul.

The country’s first female president was officially removed from office on March 10 when the Constituti­onal Court confirmed her impeachmen­t by parliament last December.

While she enjoyed the protection of presidenti­al executive privilege, Park rejected a series of requests by prosecutor­s to be interviewe­d.

Park is accused of colluding hours with a friend, Choi Soon-sil, to pressure big businesses to donate to two foundation­s set up to back the former president’s policy initiative­s.

She and Choi have denied wrongdoing.

Prosecutor­s have declined to comment on whether Park will be called back for more questionin­g or whether they would seek an arrest warrant from a court to detain her.

They did not discuss the details of the questions but said Park was responding well to the investigat­ion.

Park, 65, who became South Korea’s first democratic­ally elected president to be removed from office, issued a brief statement on arrival at the prosecutor­s’ offices on Tuesday, her first public remarks since her downfall.

“I am sorry to the people. I will faithfully cooperate with questionin­g,” Park said in front of media.

The questionin­g lasted 14 hours until just before midnight, one of her lawyers, Sohn Bum-gyu, told reporters.

She and her lawyers reviewed her statements made to the investigat­ors, before leaving at 6:55 am.

Park has not been charged but could face more than 10 years in jail if convicted of receiving bribes from bosses of big conglomera­tes, including Samsung Group chief Jay Y. Lee, in return for favors.

Sohn later told Reuters Park wanted to express her gratitude to the prosecutor­s.

“We appreciate the prosecutor­s and the people there who have tried to find the truth,” Sohn said. “We’ve seen truth starting to appear.”

Park waved to supporters as she was driven back home and smiled and spoke briefly to some outside her home as she got out of the car.

Park’s fate and the widening corruption investigat­ion have gripped the country.

The scandal has undermined support for Park’s conservati­ve ruling party. A liberal opposition politician, Moon Jae-in, is leading in opinion polls and is expected to win a snap presidenti­al election on May 9.

Park’s supporters and opponents have held protests in Seoul for months but police have managed to keep them apart and no serious violence has broken out between them.

The total length of time the ousted president spent in the prosecutor’s offices.

 ?? KIM HONG-JI / REUTERS ?? South Korea’s ousted leader Park Geun-hye leaves the prosecutor’s offices in Seoul on Wednesday morning.
KIM HONG-JI / REUTERS South Korea’s ousted leader Park Geun-hye leaves the prosecutor’s offices in Seoul on Wednesday morning.

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