China Daily (Hong Kong)

Study: Hukou major factor in Shanghai marriages


A new sociology study has found that only about 20 percent of a sample of marriages in Shanghai involve residents with local hukou — or household registrati­on — and migrants without Shanghai hukou.

The study, jointly conducted by sociologis­ts from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and Brown University in the United States, and released this week in the Chinese Sociologic­al Review, reveals how China’s hukou system is creating wider inequality between migrants and locals, and between the educated and less educated in Shanghai.

The researcher­s used data from a 2013 population survey in Shanghai, asking the respondent­s born in the 1980s about their own and their spouses’ hukou and education when they first got married. The sample included 1,247 couples in Shanghai, half of whose population is migrants.

The study found that when hukou intermarri­age — where one partner has local hukou and the other is a migrant — happens, other socioecono­mic factors are usually at play. Couples were more likely to involve a Shanghai husband and a migrant wife (14 percent) than a Shanghai wife and a migrant husband (6 percent).

Education also proved to be an important factor in marital decisions, with the probabilit­y of a migrant marrying a spouse with Shanghai hukou increasing with the migrant’s own education level.

“It’s a bit of a trade-off,” said Yue Qian, the study’s lead author and assistant professor of sociology at UBC.

“If someone with Shanghai hukou marries a migrant, then their migrant spouse needs to at least have the same or a higher education level,” Yue said on Thursday. “Otherwise, it seems

they have nothing to gain economical­ly from marriage.”

The hukou system allows more convenient access to State healthcare and public education for children under 15 locally.

Yue said the assumption is that most people choose marriage partners based on love, shared values and interests, but that the study found that hukou status plays a major role i n selecting a spouse.

“We found a strong tendency for individual­s to marry within their hukou group,” she said. “In other words, migrants tend to marry migrants and locals tend to marry locals. This finding

suggests strong social boundaries between migrants and locals, because they don’t marry out of their hukou group.

Yue said the research shows the need for continued hukou reform. “China is in the process of revisiting its hukou system, so a l ot of local government­s are thinking about reform,” she said. “We think that it’s important that policymake­rs are aware of the impact of the current system.”

Migrants tend to marry migrants and locals tend to marry locals.” Qian Yue, expert in sociology

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