China Daily (Hong Kong)

Panic triggered by fireworks let off, people shouting a bomb had exploded


TURIN, Italy — At least 1,000 people were injured, seven seriously, after a bomb scare triggered a stampede among Juventus fans watching the Champions League final in Turin, local authoritie­s said on Sunday.

AFP reporters witnessed the chaotic scenes that ensued in a packed square 10 minutes before the end of the match on Saturday evening.

The panic seemed to have been triggered by fireworks being let off and one or more people shouting that a bomb had exploded — a notion that quickly filtered through the crowd.

The incident compounded a miserable night for supporters of Juventus, who lost the Cardiff final 4-1 to Real Madrid.

It also underlined the impact recent acts of terror are having on a jittery public across Europe and the problems now faced by organizers of any mass gathering of people following the Bata- clan, Paris and Manchester concert attacks.

The scare in Turin came just minutes before another deadly attack unfolded in London with assailants driving a van into pedestrian­s on London Bridge and going on a stabbing spree before being shot dead by police.

Most of the injured in Turin were treated for cuts and bruises, but seven had to be admitted to emergency units at local hospitals.

Local media reported that a 7-year-old boy was in a coma with severe chest injuries after being trampled in the crush.

Several thousand fans had turned up to watch the match on a giant screen erected by the local authoritie­s in the city’s Piazza San Carlo.

As fear took hold, a rush towards exit points quickly accelerate­d and the square emptied so quickly it was left strewn with hundreds of shoes ripped off people’s feet as they ran.

We heard a noise, then there was a movement of people like a wave...” Luca, one of the fans caught up in the Turin stampede

“We heard a noise, then there was a movement of people like a wave and everyone started falling over each other,” said Luca, one of the fans caught up in the drama.

“I have got blood on me from the people who fell on top of me, people were screaming, jumping over each other,” he told AFPTV. “It was really awful — we really thought it was Manchester again.”

Some of the injuries occurred after a railing around the entrance to an undergroun­d car park beneath the square gave way

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