China Daily (Hong Kong)

Xi gives boost to global security governance


As the world is plagued by mounting global security challenges, both old and new, the new proposals by Chinese President Xi Jinping on internatio­nal security have given a boost to global stability.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 86th Interpol General Assembly on Tuesday, Xi proposed better cooperatio­n and innovation, upholding the rule of law and seeking mutual benefit to build a community of shared security for mankind.

Security and stability are fundamenta­l to peace and developmen­t around the world, which is far from tranquil. Global security is facing challenges such as widespread terrorism, cybercrime and organized crime, which all threaten national security, social stability and economic developmen­t around the world.

In an increasing­ly interconne­cted world, security problems go beyond national borders. A security flaw in one country can easily become an Achilles’ heel for regional, even global security.

The security of a country cannot be ensured by an individual government or single country; rather, the joint efforts of different government­s are needed to improve cooperatio­n and combat crime.

As Xi put it, “Countries should adopt a concept of common, comprehens­ive, cooperativ­e and sustainabl­e security, and jointly respond to security challenges.”

With its remarkable progress in combating crime and the developmen­t of a sophistica­ted law enforcemen­t and crime prevention system over the years, China today enjoys sustained economic growth and social stability, and its people feel safe.

More and more people believe China is one of the safest countries in the world, which in turn has contribute­d to global security.

While focusing on its own security and developmen­t, China has helped its neighbors, sharing its experience and making contributi­ons to enhancing their security capabiliti­es.

The country has actively participat­ed in global law-enforcemen­t and security efforts, working with other countries to strengthen extraditio­n, internatio­nal telecom fraud and drug traffickin­g cooperatio­n.

China resolutely supports the internatio­nal fight against terrorism, and it is engaged in in-depth cooperatio­n with more than 70 countries and regions to combat cybercrime.

The country has sent 2,609 peacekeepe­rs to serve in UN missions in nine regions, including South Sudan, Darfur in Sudan, Mali and Liberia, making it the largest contributo­r of troops among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Xi also unveiled concrete measures to support Interpol in the next five years, with a special focus on underdevel­oped countries and regions.

These include giving support to joint global actions against terrorism, cybercrime and new organized crime, and upgrading Interpol communicat­ion systems and criminal investigat­ion labs for 100 developing countries.

The Chinese government also plans to set up an internatio­nal law enforcemen­t college under its Ministry of Public Security to offer training to 20,000 law enforcemen­t personnel from developing countries.

Ensuring global security is an arduous, complicate­d and prolonged mission.

While Interpol observes its motto of “Connecting Police for a Safer World”, China’s proposal and action may well serve as solutions to internatio­nal security cooperatio­n and a safer world.

Xinhua News Agency

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