China Daily (Hong Kong)

White House: Not right time for DPRK talks


WASHINGTON — No negotiatio­ns can be held with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea until it improves its behavior, a White House official said on Wednesday, raising questions about US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s offer to begin talks with Pyongyang any time and without preconditi­ons.

“Given North Korea’s most recent missile test, clearly right now is not the time,” a White House official said.

Tillerson said on Tuesday the United States was “ready to talk any time North Korea would like to talk”, appearing to back away from a key US demand that Pyongyang must first accept that any negotiatio­ns would have to be about giving up its nuclear arsenal.

The White House has declined to say whether President Donald Trump, who has taken a tougher rhetorical line against the DPRK than Tillerson, gave approval for the overture.

A day after Tillerson’s comments, the White House official, who declined to be named, laid out a more restrictiv­e formula for any diplomatic engagement with Pyongyang.

“The administra­tion is united in insisting that any negotiatio­ns with North Korea must wait until Pyongyang fundamenta­lly improves its behavior,” the official said.

Tillerson’s overture came nearly two weeks after the DPRK said it had successful­ly tested a breakthrou­gh interconti­nental ballistic missile that put the entire US mainland within range.

In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said China welcomed efforts to ease tension and promote dialogue to resolve the standoff.

“We hope the US and the DPRK will meet each other halfway and take a significan­t step to engage in dialogue and contact,” he said.

Russia also welcomed Tillerson’s statement, the Interfax news agency cited Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying.

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