China Daily (Hong Kong)

For students, US still holds strong allure


NEW YORK — Internatio­nal admissions by universiti­es and colleges in the United States have shown signs of flattening in the past two years, but Fan Yilan, a second-year student at the University of Texas at Austin, still feels a strong growth of Chinese enrollment against the general trend.

“In China, it’s not in decline at all,” Fan, from Beijing, said. “It’s the opposite; it’s increasing. More Chinese students are seeking education in the US.”

The Institute of Internatio­nal Education of the US said in November that more than 350,700 students from China were enrolled for higher education in the country in the 2016-17 academic year, 6.8 percent more than in the previous year.

They accounted for 32.5 percent of all internatio­nal students in the US, topping the rankings for the eighth time.

“We would like to join in and experience more,” said Fan, who majors in accounting and economy. “I think that’s the main reason we study abroad. We want to learn what they do here and to enjoy the experience of studying abroad.”

The Institute of Internatio­nal Education report said that despite the strong growth in the number of internatio­nal students studying in the US in the past decade, with an increase of 85 percent since 2006-7, “the new findings signal a slowing of growth, with a 3 percent increase compared to increases of 7 to 10 percent for the previous three years”.

At the University of Southern California admissions officials and students gave sharper insights on Chinese attending US universiti­es.

“As China develops, more people are able to afford the tuition fees,” said Joyce Wang, a Chinese student at the University of Southern California. “Most of the top education institutio­ns are located in the US and Europe, so Chinese parents want to send their kids outside to open their mind and to explore different education systems.”

Ben Lee, associate director of the master of communicat­ion management program at the University of Southern California, said Chinese parents need to think more before they send their children to study in the US.

“I would say that at the same time the outcome for a student and (a) family investing in overseas education is no longer that simple. The Chinese market and its employers can now distinguis­h overseas students with strong experience from strong programs from those who are just there from a mediocre program and not working hard to benefit from their stay abroad.”

US media reports used to depict Chinese students as nerds or just children of the rich, but more of them are breaking this stereotype.

“We’re participat­ing in all the organizati­ons and trying to take the initiative to position ourselves,” Fan said.

As the number of those coming to the US rises, the number of returnees with competitiv­e degrees and promising projects has been solid, too.

The education branch of the Chinese embassy in Washington says the total number of Chinese youths studying in the US and going home after graduating has risen over the past five years.

Cen Jianjun, the diplomat in charge of education affairs, said the rise in those returning home correspond­s with China’s growing prosperity, which promises better prospects.

“They are pinning their hope on China’s future,” Cen said.

We want to learn what they do here and to enjoy the experience of studying abroad.” Fan Yilan,

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