China Daily (Hong Kong)

Amendments proposed for Constituti­on

Communist Party of China Central Committee offers several changes


The Communist Party of China Central Committee made public its proposal on amendments to China’s Constituti­on on Sunday.

The proposal, sent to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, was made in accordance with the new situation and practice of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteri­stics for the new era.

New thought

The CPC Central Committee proposed writing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteri­stics for a New Era into the country’s fundamenta­l law. The Scientific Outlook on Developmen­t was also proposed to be included.

According to the proposal, under the leadership of the CPC and the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Developmen­t and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteri­stics for a New Era, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups will continue to adhere to the people’s democratic dictatorsh­ip and the socialist road, persevere in reform and opening-up to the outside world, steadily improve socialist institutio­ns, develop the socialist market economy, develop socialist democracy, improve the socialist rule of law, apply a new vision of developmen­t and work hard through selfrelian­ce to modernize the country’s industry, agricultur­e, national defense and science and technology step by step and promote the coordinate­d developmen­t of the material, political, cultural and ethical, social and ecological advancemen­t, to turn China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful and realize national rejuvenati­on.

United front

The CPC Central Committee proposed including patriots who are devoted to national rejuvenati­on as part of the patriotic united front in the Constituti­on.

According to the proposal, in the long years of revolution, constructi­on and reform, there has been formed under the leadership of the CPC a broad patriotic united front which is composed of the democratic parties and people’s organizati­ons and which embraces all socialist working people, all builders of socialism, all patriots who support socialism and all patriots who stand for the reunificat­ion of the motherland and devote themselves to national rejuvenati­on. This united front will continue to be consolidat­ed and developed.

Harmonious relations among all ethnic groups

Harmonious socialist relations among ethnic groups were proposed to be written into the Constituti­on.

Socialist relations of equality, unity, mutual assist-

ance and harmony have been establishe­d among the ethnic groups and will continue to be strengthen­ed, according to a proposed revision to the preamble.

The State protects the lawful rights and interests of the ethnic minority groups and upholds and develops a relationsh­ip of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony among all of China’s ethnic groups, according to a proposed revision to a clause of Article 4.

Community with shared future for humanity

The CPC Central Committee proposed writing building “a community with a shared future for humanity” into the Constituti­on.

The expression that China will “adhere to the peaceful developmen­t path and the mutually beneficial strategy of opening-up” should be added to the preamble, read the proposal.

China’s achievemen­ts in revolution, constructi­on and reform are inseparabl­e from the support of the people of the world. The future of China is closely linked to the future of the world, according to the proposal.

The proposal read that China consistent­ly carries out an independen­t foreign policy, adheres to the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity, mutual nonaggress­ion, noninterfe­rence in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, peaceful coexistenc­e, adheres to the peaceful developmen­t path and the mutually beneficial strategy of opening-up in developing diplomatic relations and economic and cultural exchanges with other countries, and works to build a community with a shared future for humanity. China consistent­ly opposes imperialis­m, hegemonism and colonialis­m, works to strengthen unity with the people of other countries, supports the oppressed nations and the developing countries in their just struggle to win and preserve national independen­ce and develop their national economies and strives to safeguard world peace and promote the cause of human progress.

CPC leadership

A sentence stressing the Party’s leadership was proposed to be added into the Constituti­on.

“The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteri­stics,” read the proposal.

Core socialist values

The addition of core socialist values into a clause was also in the proposed package.

The proposal read that the State advocates core socialist values and the civic virtues of love of the motherland, of the people, of labor, of science and of socialism.

Oath of allegiance

The CPC Central Committee proposed inclusion of pledging allegiance to the Constituti­on into the fundamenta­l law.

All State functionar­ies shall take a public oath of allegiance to the Constituti­on when assuming office, read the proposal.

President and vice-president

The CPC Central Committee proposed revising the clause, “The term of office of the President and Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China is the same as that of the National People’s Congress, and they shall serve no more than two consecutiv­e terms” to “The term of office of the President and VicePresid­ent of the People’s Republic of China is the same as that of the National People’s Congress.”

New Cabinet function

The CPC Central Committee proposed listing ecological advancemen­t as a new function and power of the State Council, or Cabinet.

Apart from economic affairs and urban and rural developmen­t, the State Council also has the function and power of directing and administer­ing ecological advancemen­t, according to a proposed change to a clause under Article 89.

More cities with legislativ­e power

Chinese cities, with subordinat­e districts, would be granted the power to make local laws and regulation­s under a proposed constituti­onal amendment.

The people’s congresses and the standing committees of these cities would be able to adopt local laws and regulation­s under the condition that they do not contradict the Constituti­on, national laws and regulation­s and provincial laws and regulation­s, according to the proposal.

The local laws and regulation­s would take effect after being approved by the standing committees of provincial­level people’s congresses.

Supervisor­y commission­s

The CPC Central Committee proposed listing the supervisor­y commission­s as a new type of State organs in the Constituti­on.

According to the proposal, supervisor­y organs will be listed together with administra­tive, judicial and procurator­ial organs of the State, all of which are created by the people’s congresses to which they are responsibl­e and by which they are supervised.

A new section about supervisor­y commission­s is proposed to be added to the third chapter titled “The Structure of the State” in the Constituti­on.

The country sets up the national and local supervisor­y commission­s, according to the document.

A supervisor­y commission will consist of one director, several deputy directors and a number of members. The director will serve the same term as that of the people’s congress of the same level.

The director of the national supervisor­y commission shall serve no more than two consecutiv­e terms.

The organizati­on, functions and powers of supervisor­y commission­s are prescribed by law.

As the supreme supervisor­y organ, the national supervisor­y commission will oversee local commission­s and answer to the NPC and its standing committee.

The supervisor­y commission­s at higher levels will lead the commission­s at lower levels.

Local supervisor­y commission­s at various levels will be responsibl­e to the State power organs that created them and to the supervisor­y commission at the next level up.

The supervisor­y commission­s will independen­tly exercise their power of supervisio­n and not be subject to interferen­ce by any administra­tive organ, public organizati­on or individual, said the proposal.

It also asked the supervisor­y organs to coordinate with judicial organs, procurator­ial organs and law enforcemen­t department­s and check one another in handling duty-related offenses.

The NPC will be given the power to elect and remove the director of the national supervisor­y commission, while the NPC Standing Committee shall supervise the national supervisor­y commission and appoint or remove deputy directors and members of the commission at the recommenda­tion of its director.

Local people’s congresses at and above county level will elect and have the power to remove the directors of the supervisor­y commission­s at the correspond­ing level, while their standing committees shall supervise the supervisor­y commission­s at the correspond­ing level.

Members of the standing committees of the NPC and local peoples’ congresses at and above county level shall not hold office in supervisor­y organs.

In addition, supervisio­n will no longer be a duty for the State Council and local government­s at and above county level, according to the proposal.

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