China Daily (Hong Kong)

PNG: Enhanced strategic mutual trust sought


build a comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p featuring mutual respect and common developmen­t, which will inject great power into the bilateral cooperatio­n, Xi said.

China would like to enhance strategic mutual trust with PNG and promote political party, parliament, local and people-to-people exchanges, he said.

Xi expressed gratitude for PNG’s enthusiast­ic and grand reception for his visit, saying he could feel the friendship from the sincere smiles on the faces of the local people.

Prime Minister O’Neill said it’s a historic moment for his country to welcome the Chinese president’s visit.

Since the establishm­ent of diplomatic relations in 1976, the two countries have maintained great developmen­t, he said, adding that PNG will firmly uphold the one-China policy.

The prime minister said he appreciate­d China’s long-term support for PNG’s economic developmen­t, a Chinese medical team’s efforts to prevent malaria in the remote areas of PNG, China’s aid to help PNG people rebuild their homes after an earthquake, and China’s support for PNG to host this weekend’s informal meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n leaders.

Hailing the Belt and Road as a great initiative that could boost interconne­ctivity among Pacific island countries, he said PNG will proactivel­y take part in the Belt and Road.

The two leaders witnessed the signing of a number of cooperatio­n documents between China and PNG after the meeting.

On Friday morning, Bob Dadae, the governor-general of PNG, hosted a grand ceremony to welcome Xi.

Xi, noting that it is his first visit to PNG and also the first

visit by a Chinese head of state to the Pacific nation, told Dadae that China attaches great importance to the developmen­t of China-PNG ties.

It is hoped that the visit will promote bilateral relations, expand exchanges at all levels between the two sides and promote practical cooperatio­n to get more outcomes, Xi said.

Dadae said Xi’s state visit is a great event for PNG and has set a milestone for the developmen­t of PNG-China ties.

Dadae expressed gratitude for China’s help in such areas as PNG’s infrastruc­ture, education and healthcare.

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