China Daily (Hong Kong)

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Wealth and rank, said the Master, are what men desire. If they could be attained only in an improper way, they should be relinguish­ed. Poverty and obscurity are what men dislike, if they could be avoided only in an improper way, they should be endured. If a man had no virtue, how could he be worthy of his fame? A cultured man cannot do anything contrary to virtue even for the shortest time of a meal.

He must do nothing contrary to virtue even in haste or in distress.



⑵恶乎:恶音乌, ,何处。“恶乎”即“于何处”,译文意译为“怎样”。⑶违:离开,和《公冶长篇第五》的“弃而违之”的“违”同义。


累计预扣法 cumulative withholdin­g method 请看例句:

A new system for calculatin­g individual income tax took effect from Jan 1, according to the State Administra­tion of Taxation. For residents, tax will be assessed by the cumulative withholdin­g method and paid monthly.


新修改的个人所得税法­于2019年1月1日­正式实施。12月20日,国家税务总局发布了《关于全面实施新个人所­得税法若干征管衔接问­题的公告》,对扣缴义务人对居民个­人工资、薪金所得,劳务报酬(remunerati­on for labor services) 所得,稿酬所得(income from author’s remunerati­on) ,特许权使用费(loyalties)所得预扣预缴个人所得­税(personal income tax)的计算方法,以及对非居民个人上述­四项所得扣缴个人所得­税的计算方法进行明确。

《公告》明确了居民个人的工资、薪金所得在缴纳个人所­得税时,日常采取累计预扣法(cumulative withholdin­g method)进行预扣预缴;劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得,采取基本平移现行规定­的做法预扣预缴。

根据《公告》,年度预扣预缴税额(the amount of tax paid in advance)与年度应纳税额不一致­的,由居民个人于次年3月­1日至6月30日向主­管税务机关(tax authority)办理综合所得年度汇算­清缴,税款多退少补。

国家税务总局相关负责­人表示,累计预扣法主要是通过­各月累计收入减去对应­扣除,对照综合所得税率表计­算累计应缴税额(tax payable) ,再减去已缴税额,确定本期应缴税额的一­种方法。

这种方法一方面对于大­部分只有一处工资薪金­所得的纳税人(most taxpayers with only one source of income of wages and salaries) ,纳税年度终了时预扣预­缴的税款基本上等于年­度应纳税款,因此无须再办理自行纳­税申报、汇算清缴(final settlement) ;另一方面,对需要补退税的纳税人,预扣预缴的税款与年度­应纳税款差额相对较小,不会占用纳税人过多资­金。

对于非居民(non-resident)个人扣缴方法,《公告》指出,非居民个人的工资、薪金所得,以每月收入额减除费用­5000元后的余额为­应纳税所得额(the amount of taxable income) ;劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得,以每次收入额为应纳税­所得额,适用按月换算后的非居­民个人月度税率表计算­应纳税额。

其中,劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得以收­入减除20%的费用后的余额(the balance of income after deducting 20% of expenses) 为收入额。稿酬所得的收入额减按­70%计算。


专项附加扣除 special additional deduction

个税起征点 personal income tax threshold

可支配收入 disposable income

双重征税 double taxation

源泉扣缴 withholdin­g of tax at source

优惠税率 preferenti­al tax rate

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