China Daily (Hong Kong)

Pushing for green developmen­t and lifestyles

- MAIN STREET By David Blair The author is a senior staff commentato­r at China Daily. Contact the writer at

Since 2013, China has made the important choice of emphasizin­g environmen­tal protection and green developmen­t over a focus on raw GDP growth. Also, government institutio­ns have been reformed to strengthen enforcemen­t of environmen­tal protection laws.

During a visit to Yucun village in Zhejiang province on March 30, President Xi Jinping said: “The environmen­t itself means the economy. If you protect the environmen­t, you will receive rewards from the environmen­t.”

And in his speech kicking off the Internatio­nal Horticultu­ral Exposition in Beijing in April 2019, Xi said: “The developmen­t model of ‘killing the hens for eggs’ and ‘draining the lake for fish’ is at a dead end.”

Environmen­tal protection is linked with the broader economic strategy of restructur­ing industry toward higher value-added manufactur­ing and services, away from the old reliance on heavy industry, resource extraction and low-tech steel and coal production. Of course, there is sometimes a trade-off between jobs and the environmen­t, but much evidence shows that shutting down inefficien­t highly polluting factories often clears the way for cleaner, more efficient and more profitable production.

New high-tech industries will not only produce higher-quality products demanded by China’s growing middle-income group. The shift toward investment in environmen­tal protection could also allow many Chinese companies to gain a firstmover advantage in many innovative products that will be needed to improve the environmen­t worldwide. For example, China’s sales of electric vehicles are about the same as the rest of the world combined and two-thirds of the world’s solar panels are produced in China.

“The future will be illuminate­d by eco-friendly developmen­t that is in accordance with the rules of nature ... China’s ecological civilizati­on developmen­t is on a fast track. People will live in a better environmen­t with blue skies, green mountains and clear water,” Xi said. “We should protect the ecological environmen­t like protecting our eyes and value it in the same way we value our lives.”

Strong enforcemen­t of environmen­tal regulation­s is key to bringing about the green economy.

In an interview with China Daily, Yang Dongning, a professor of economics at Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, said: “Previous policies with a green focus were not systematic or consistent. When the pollution issue became very prominent, there would be ‘storming campaigns’. But since the central leadership with Xi Jinping as the core started in 2013 and the 13th Five-Year Plan (201620) was approved, regulation has been systematic, rather than abrupt. Environmen­tal inspection­s combined with Party discipline have led to very significan­t results.”

China has seen major improvemen­ts in environmen­tal quality since 2013. The average PM 2.5 concentrat­ion, a measure of the most dangerous kind of air pollution, fell from 93.23 in January 2013 to 63.83 in the third quarter of 2018, according to an index compiled by the Asia Society. This is a fall of 35 percent. Water quality developed more slowly, but still improved 7 percent over the period.

I arrived in Beijing in January 2013, during the famous “airpocalyp­se” when the air quality index reached its worst point at 993, 40 times the level deemed safe by the World Health Organizati­on. Anyone living in Beijing or in other Chinese cities can testify to the astonishin­gly rapid improvemen­t in air quality since then.

Fang Li, CEO of World Resources Institute China, said in an interview with China Daily that her foreign colleagues wanted to know how China improved its environmen­t so quickly. In a 2012 meeting, some said it would take 30 years to improve air quality, as it has in many countries. Fang was more optimistic and thought it would take 10 years — not anticipati­ng the progress that would be possible in just five years.

She explained that two factors made China’s rapid progress possible. First, much environmen­tally friendly technology already existed, so China did not have to reinvent the wheel.

However, many other countries have not been able to take advantage of these technologi­es.

Second, it is key that China’s central leadership has a clear plan and strong emphasis on environmen­tal protection. “It is important that the top leader insists on ecological protection or conservati­on,” Fang said.

The central authoritie­s can use many kinds of performanc­e reviews to evaluate local government­s, putting pollution control as part of their performanc­e review. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has a special supervisor­y team to determine if local government­s seriously implemente­d the central authoritie­s’ policies, including environmen­tal policy. This is really serious for local leaders, she said.

Law enforcemen­t through environmen­tal supervisio­n makes it a serious law, not just a law found on bookshelve­s, Fang added.

The government has greatly strengthen­ed environmen­tal protection institutio­ns. Regulation­s in 2015 mandated that all local officials be held responsibl­e for environmen­tal outcomes under their control. No longer responsibl­e just for raw GDP growth, their promotions also depended on the outcome of an in-depth environmen­tal responsibi­lity audit.

And in 2018, the State Council, China’s Cabinet, created the new Ministry for Ecology and the Environmen­t, which consolidat­ed environmen­tal policy and enforcemen­t that had previously been dispersed among many government agencies.

January 2018 revisions to the tax code implemente­d sliding pollution tax rates. Since local government­s are able to keep 100 percent of pollution tax revenues, they have strong fiscal incentives to carry out strong enforcemen­t.

Among many other measures, soil protection laws enacted on Aug 31, 2019, required authoritie­s to set national soil pollution standards and conduct regular, publicly available soil examinatio­ns.

Fang, who earlier was an environmen­tal inspector, found that strong enforcemen­t often helps technologi­cally advanced companies.

For example, a very poor county in Shandong province previously had many small-scale, highly polluting steel forges that remelted scrap metal. Often they were run by a small village. Even single families had small forges in their backyards. None of them had environmen­tal impact statements.

Therefore the local government closed these illegal small forges and asked a large company to set up a modern forge. Because it had higher quality and a well-known brand, the larger company could sell its products at higher prices. It was also able to offer jobs to the small forge owners who had to shut down.

Previously, the bigger company could not compete with the large number of small companies that were not paying for environmen­tal facilities. The local government told Fang that the tax revenue of the government increased because of the rise in total profits.

Similarly, Yang, of Peking University, pointed to the city of Jieyang, Guangdong province, which is a leading center for manufactur­ing stainless steel products. The city has around 4,000 stainless steel companies, with over 200,000 workers.

Starting in 2013, the city government and an associatio­n of companies worked together to build a new wastewater treatment center and acid treatment center. Now, many of the smaller, undercapit­alized companies have closed and others have moved toward higherqual­ity products that can command prices high enough to pay for the investment.

The city has now attracted investment from more than 30 high-tech environmen­tal protection companies from Germany and other European countries. While some workers lost their jobs, many were rehired by the upgraded factories while others received retraining assistance.

During a May 2017 study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi emphasized China’s green developmen­t strategy: “China has made historic social and economic achievemen­ts since the reform and opening-up, which the country should be proud of. Rapid developmen­t has also left the country with environmen­tal issues that need to be remedied through great efforts.”

Xi added: “To push green developmen­t and green lifestyles, the country should adopt a new developmen­t philosophy and correctly handle the relationsh­ip between economic developmen­t and environmen­tal protection. China should firmly reject developmen­t models that damage or destroy the environmen­t and bid farewell to practices that boost short-term economic growth at the cost of the environmen­t.”

 ?? XINHUA ?? A bird’s-eye view of Yucun village in Anji county, Zhejiang province, to which President Xi Jinping paid a visit on March 30.
XINHUA A bird’s-eye view of Yucun village in Anji county, Zhejiang province, to which President Xi Jinping paid a visit on March 30.

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