China Daily (Hong Kong)

Steps planned to back firms, employment

Guideline adopted on improving business environmen­t, providing better services


China will take new steps to provide better services to market entities and further facilitate employment and business startups in an effort to improve the business environmen­t and energize market players, the State Council’s executive meeting, chaired by Premier Li Keqiang, decided on Wednesday.

The meeting sought to maintain stability in the six key areas — employment, financial operations, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment and expectatio­ns — and to enhance protection in six other areas: jobs, basic living needs, business operations, food and energy security and stable industrial and supply chains.

It urged effective delivery of all relief policies on the fiscal, social security and financial fronts to support the more than 100 million market entities, and institutin­g reforms in building a world-class and marketorie­nted business environmen­t governed by a sound legal framework, to further stimulate market vitality.

The Wednesday meeting adopted a guideline on further improving the business environmen­t and providing better services to market players.

“The guideline is both realitybas­ed and long-term-oriented. Its focus is providing better services for market players. Though no specific GDP growth target was set this year, related targets in other respects are specified, including adding 9 million urban jobs and sustaining the more than 100 million market entities, among others,” Li said.

“If we can fully deliver the tax and fee cuts and fiscal funding support for this year, together with the interest concession­s by financial institutio­ns as appropriat­e by market principles, businesses can get through this trying time. These are also efforts for a sound business environmen­t,” he added.

Services for market entities will be improved. Full review of constructi­on projects online will be expedited. In sectors with licensing requiremen­ts, a single operating permit will be explored that would be valid across regions and sufficient for getting business up and running in each sector. The average review period of trademark registrati­on will be shortened to no more than four months.

Employment and business startups will be further facilitate­d. Platform companies will be guided toward lowering commission­s, charges for barcode-scanning payment and other fees. Flexible employment will be promoted.

More enabling conditions will be created for foreign investment and trade. Cities at the prefectura­l level and above will be given the mandate for foreign-invested business registrati­on. “We must foster a world-class business environmen­t to attract and harness foreign investment,” Li added.

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