China Daily (Hong Kong)

Healthy approach as China takes leading global green role

- Ullattil Manranjith Second Thoughts Contact the writer at

Technology and machines have drasticall­y changed our way of life and improved the way we think and work over the years, especially through applicatio­ns like WeChat or Didi, while logistics has made life that much easier leading to death of distance. Speed and dispatch is the new slogan. My over a dozen years in China will bear ample testimony to this. But, in the process, pollution and air quality took a hit, here and everywhere else on Planet Earth.

The Paris Agreement signed in 2015 was supposed to be the gamechangi­ng agreement within the

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to deal with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance.

To understand the subject better I spoke to my friend Arvea Marieni, a Hamburg, Germany-based climate change expert and an adviser to Resilience Frontiers, a United Nations-led project that promotes sustainabi­lity and regenerati­ve prosperity globally.

According to Arvea, China has been taking a series of decisive steps to ensure that communitie­s, regions and biosystems within the country not only survive but thrive again. She mentioned some of the recent government initiative­s like green bonds, food waste campaign etc as steps that would move the country firmly onto the circular economy path.

“China’s green bond efforts have been a game changer globally as it is shaping the way financial and investment decisions are being taken across the world,” she said.

Arvea says one of the most successful sustainabi­lity projects globally in recent times has been the reforestat­ion plan in the hilly Qianyanzho­u region of Jiangxi province, East China. The region, which had faced severe soil erosion due to deforestat­ion and unsustaina­ble farming practices, is now a “green delight”. Over the last 30 years, a series of government-backed landuse plans have promoted the sustainabl­e use of land resources, leading to higher incomes, better biodiversi­ty, and an improved microclima­te, she said.

She believes that China and the European Union must lead the world in adoption of sustainabl­e practices.

The EU-China Climate Summit later this month will be an opportunit­y to assess the feasibilit­y of a common platform aimed at establishi­ng forms of mutual and “competitiv­e cooperatio­n” in order to decarboniz­e the global economy, said Arvea.

Her words resonate with me. Xie Zhenhua, special adviser to China’s environmen­t ministry and formerly its chief climate representa­tive, said in his remarks at the Tsinghua Global Summer School in July that “no country can stand aloof or stay behind. Man and man, man and nature have become an increasing­ly interdepen­dent community of common destiny”. Radical weather events are frequent in each continent, he said, causing great loss to ecology and human life and safety apart from the huge economic costs.

Youssef Nassef, a UN official who launched the Resilience Frontiers initiative in 2019, believes that: “Our (RF) work is compatible with the Chinese outlook towards adopting an ecological-friendly perspectiv­e on future resilience. RF takes into account the future paradigm shift in data technologi­es and how these can contribute to enhancing the human interface with nature in a way that ensures long-term resilience.”

One of the most recent examples of taking a collective approach for green benefits is the newly approved forest regulation of China which outlaws trade and consumptio­n of illegally logged wood. The regulation will help reduce the terrible levels of deforestat­ion, said Arvea.

From a global perspectiv­e, it is the Vertical Forest in Milan, Italy developed by Stefano Boeri which has been a shining example. The project was the first of a new generation of high-rise urban buildings completely covered by the leaves of trees and plants and promoted the coexistenc­e of architectu­re and nature in urban areas. It has also set the model for social housing projects worldwide, including in China, she said.

Soothing words these, for sure.

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