China Daily (Hong Kong)

Xi congratula­tes leader on party’s Myanmar win


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, sent a letter on Monday to Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of Myanmar’s National League for Democracy, or NLD, congratula­ting her party’s success in securing a majority in the country’s general elections.

The ruling NLD party won 920 seats, an absolute majority in the elections held on Nov 8, according to the final result announced by the Union Election Commission on Sunday, Xinhua reported.

In his letter, Xi said he is glad to hear that Myanmar has recently held its general elections successful­ly and that she led her party in achieving good results, and Xi extended sincere congratula­tions to her and the Myanmar people.

Xi said it is believed that under her leadership, the NLD will certainly make greater achievemen­ts in the lofty cause of realizing the country’s prosperity and strength.

China and Myanmar are good neighbors geographic­ally linked by mountains and rivers, and this year, the two countries celebrate the 70th anniversar­y of the establishm­ent of their diplomatic relations, Xi said when noting his successful state visit to Myanmar at the beginning of this year.

During the visit, the two sides agreed to build the China-Myanmar community with a shared future, which Xi said ushers in a new era of China-Myanmar relations.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the two parties and both countries have supported and helped each other, using practical actions to honor the spirit of a community with a shared future, which means sharing weal and woe and helping each other in the same boat, according to Xi.

The close and friendly exchanges between the Communist Party of China and the NLD have played an important role in the healthy and stable growth of the relations between the two countries, and China attaches great importance to the developmen­t of ties between the two parties and between the two countries, Xi said.

Deepening exchanges

Xi said that he is ready to make joint efforts with her to strengthen political guidance over the relations between the two parties and between the two countries, deepen exchanges and mutual learning between the two parties, promote practical cooperatio­n in various fields within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, and maintain peace and tranquilli­ty at the border.

Also, Xi said he would like to work with her to promote the China-Myanmar community with a shared future to achieve fruitful results and better benefit the two countries and the two peoples.

At a daily news conference in Beijing on Tuesday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said China has always supported the Myanmar people in choosing a developmen­t path that suits their own national conditions, and it supports the general elections in Myanmar.

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