China Daily (Hong Kong)

Electoral reform carries great significan­ce for HK

Chang Chak-yan says the reform fixes systemic flaws without altering the SAR’s constituti­onal order, and will enhance ‘one country, two systems’ and safeguard national sovereignt­y


The passage of the Improving Electoral System (Consolidat­ed Amendments) Bill 2021 by the Legislativ­e Council of the Hong Kong Special Administra­tive Region on May 27 has ushered in a new era in the region’s democratic developmen­t and elections with three significan­t characteri­stics. Firstly, the new electoral system being installed has replaced the unfavorabl­e old system, which opened the election to all political groups without imposing any meaningful restrictio­n in terms of political platforms.

As we all know, since China resumed its exercise of sovereignt­y over Hong Kong on July 1, 1997, the Legislativ­e Council has been divided into two groups of electoral constituen­cies, functional and geographic­al constituen­cies. However, as elections were open to candidates of all political parties, instead of drumming up support from ordinary voters, the opposition camp — particular­ly its radical groups — resorted to all sorts of campaign tactics, especially social movements and radical political advocacy to build steadfast, organized voter blocs. In a bid to secure more LegCo seats, many candidates resorted to grandstand­ing and campaigned on divisive anti-China platforms, which advocated separatism and violence. Indeed, the “black revolution” gave rise to a new political bloc consisting mainly of confrontat­ionist agitators, who seized overwhelmi­ng majority seats in the District Council elections of 2019. Even the traditiona­l mainstays in the opposition camp — the Democratic Party and the Civic Party — were marginaliz­ed. Consequent­ly, all opposition parties chose to jump on the radical bandwagon and rendered LegCo nearly impossible to function normally. Instead, it was turned into a freak show that all but paralyzed the HKSAR government’s normal operations. The stunt of choice for most, if not all, opposition legislator­s was unjustifia­ble, endless filibuster­ing and violence.

Of course, the central authoritie­s could never watch Hong Kong lose its stability and prosperity this way without doing anything. The National People’s Congress decided at its annual session in Beijing to improve Hong Kong’s electoral system, including the compositio­n and formation of LegCo, through local legislatio­n. The bill passed on May 27 was designed to serve exactly that purpose, replacing the previously unfettered electoral system with one of balanced, proportion­al representa­tion. Under the new electoral arrangemen­t, 40 seats will be returned by the broadly representa­tive five sectors of the Election Committee. In addition, candidates can no longer freely run for the 30 seats in the functional constituen­cies; they are now required to be nominated by 10 to 20 electors of their respective constituen­cy, together with the nomination­s by two to four members from each of the five sectors of the Election Committee. Such arrangemen­ts are premised on the principle of balanced representa­tion. Since the nomination­s come from the broadly representa­tive Election Committee, the unrestrict­ed old system has been eliminated.

Secondly, this electoral reform will enhance the implementa­tion of “one country, two systems”.

The “black revolution” in 2019 was nothing less than a secessioni­st movement. Had it succeeded, “one country, two systems” would have been compromise­d for good. The central authoritie­s chose to focus on plugging loopholes in the LegCo election system instead of directly intervenin­g in Hong Kong governance because they still have faith in the HKSAR’s system. The crux of the problem was the misconduct of some lawmakers who were determined to advance their own political agenda, including the advocacy of Hong Kong independen­ce. The rightful solution to that is to prevent troublemak­ers from taking public office — particular­ly in LegCo — through loopholes in elections, so that only patriots will enter the legislatur­e. It will ensure the executive-led governance model by eliminatin­g politicall­y motivated disruption in LegCo. Beijing is merely fixing the flaws in the LegCo election system without altering the original constituti­onal order of the HKSAR and its governance structure. Thus, the “one country, two systems” principle remains intact, and the electoral reform will not undermine but strengthen the HKSAR’s constituti­onal order.

Last but not the least, this electoral reform embodies the inviolabil­ity of the country’s sovereignt­y over Hong Kong.

In deciding to overhaul Hong Kong’s electoral system, the central authoritie­s in Beijing laid emphasis on the principle of “patriots governing Hong Kong” and those who challenge national sovereignt­y should have no place in the SAR’s governance establishm­ent. It is indeed a necessary and timely reform.

Hong Kong was already an internatio­nal metropolis with a diverse population ethnicity wise and nationalit­y-wise before its return to China. When China resumed the exercise of sovereignt­y over Hong Kong in 1997, Beijing made sure the city maintained the ethnic diversity of its population. Article 24 of the Basic Law stipulates that persons not of Chinese nationalit­y who have ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for seven years shall be qualified to obtain permanent identity cards which state their right of abode. Similar to Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the HKSAR, they have the right to vote and stand in LegCo elections according to relevant law, as well as the right to hold public office. This arrangemen­t is quite unique and is rare around the world. The central authoritie­s in Beijing have remained inclusive toward the ethnic-cultural diversity of Hong Kong society through the Basic Law and national policies concerning Hong Kong. However, Beijing has learned in the past 24 years the principle of “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” had been infiltrate­d by the separatist­s seeking control over Hong Kong, and the scenario of “anti-China radicals ruling Hong Kong” was looming. Beijing only seeks, through a duly and legitimate move, to strictly enforce “patriots governing Hong Kong”. Therefore, the decision to undertake electoral reform in Hong Kong, which flexibly neutralize­s the threat to national sovereignt­y while retaining Hong Kong’s existing nationalit­y plurality, is of great significan­ce for the whole world.

Even with a sound electoral system, however, there is still no guarantee that the desired executive-led governance will automatica­lly prevail in Hong Kong. Preventing obstructio­n by ill-advised lawmakers does not necessaril­y translate into better executive performanc­e. That is why it is of the utmost importance that the HKSAR government does its best in fulfilling its constituti­onal duties.

The author is the former head of the department of government and public administra­tion at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This is an excerpted translatio­n of his article published in Ta Kung Pao.

The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

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