China Daily (Hong Kong)

Another coincidenc­e Washington is isolating itself from origin tracing probe?


Research reports released by the National Institutes of Health of the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the University of California, Los Angeles, have all indicated that the novel coronaviru­s started spreading in different places in the US in December 2019.

Before that, in July 2019, the US Army shut down its bio-lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland, after a CDC inspection discovered serious violations of safety protocols. The temporary shuttering of the Fort Detrick lab coincided with 54 people in a community one hour away by car from the lab in north Virginia, suffering fever and respirator­y syndromes, two of whom died.

In another strange “coincidenc­e”, there was an uptick in cases of lung diseases almost at the same time, with a total of 2,807 cases, hospitaliz­ed or dead, across the country, which were blamed on e-cigarettes. This cause was given despite no previous such upticks in lung disease cases being reported since the sales of e-cigarettes began in the US in 2007.

The US government has refused to provide any detailed data or informatio­n on these “coincidenc­es”. Instead, it has maintained a studied silence, as if they are of no scientific value for the global research into the origins of the novel coronaviru­s.

Yet it is known that there were leaks of the Ebola virus from Fort Detrick in 1989.

And in the early 1990s, some fatal bacterial strains and toxins, including anthrax, also reportedly went “missing” from the lab.

Also, Fort Detrick is only one of the more than 200 bio labs the US runs across the world that have been exposed time and again for their mismanagem­ent and potential safety risks.

The US’ pathologic­al pursuit of dominion over the world is the reason why it is willing to engage in risk-laden research into biological weapons. It has always perceived them as trump cards in its games of global deterrence.

Over the past nearly 20 years, the US has blocked the restarting of the negotiatio­ns on the verificati­on protocol of the Convention on the Prohibitio­n of the Developmen­t, Production and Stockpilin­g of Bacteriolo­gical (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destructio­n.

As such, it is to prevent the scientific microscope from being focused on its own activities and any potentiall­y dangerous failures of oversight that the US government has tried so hard to make China a scapegoat for the outbreak of the virus.

In doing so, the US government is trying to exclude the country and its activities from the internatio­nal research into the origins of the outbreak in case the dots of the aforementi­oned “coincidenc­es” join up.

The scientific research into the origins of the virus must not be restricted; the US is obliged to open its door.

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