China Daily (Hong Kong)

UK must resist being globally boorish Britain


The United Kingdom government under Prime Minister Boris Johnson is desperate to position the country as “Global Britain” after its messy withdrawal from the European Union. But such a dream can never come true if the Johnson government insists on realizing it through exacerbati­ng geopolitic­al competitio­n and raising regional tensions.

On Monday, for the first time since 2008, a UK warship, HMS Richmond, a frigate deployed with the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier strike group to the Asia-Pacific, sailed through the Taiwan Straits. The move was clearly intended to challenge China’s sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity.

One day later, the UK announced it would begin formal negotiatio­ns with Japan to deepen their defense relationsh­ip. The UK’s defense ministry said the talks with Japan would send a clear signal about the determinat­ion of the two countries to support the rules-based internatio­nal order. This again marks a major UK strategic shift toward the Asia-Pacific in unison with the United States with the aim of targeting China.

Johnson is desperate to secure a trade deal with the US. Even its chaotic response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unable to cover up the consequenc­es of Brexit for the UK economy. The post-deal chickens are now coming home to roost and causing a heck of a ruckus. To strut on the global stage in a manner it considers befitting to the puffed-up jingoism it is pandering to and secure a we-have-put-all-our-eggs-in-this-basket deal with the US, the Johnson government is closely following the lead of the US.

Yet it keeps slipping on the melting fudge of the Northern Ireland Protocol. US President Joe Biden once again warned Johnson that the chances of securing a trade deal with the US are little to none if its post-Brexit policy damages the protocol aimed at maintainin­g the Good Friday Agreement.

The moves Johnson has taken to scamper behind the US as the Biden administra­tion ramps up its “Indo-Pacific” strategy will stoke confrontat­ion and create tensions on the geopolitic­al front, which will, in turn, pose a threat to regional peace and stability.

In its unseemly eagerness to bark from behind the heels of Washington, the UK is aggravatin­g the already simmering tensions in the Taiwan Straits, where the US frequently seeks to provoke China. The Johnson government should not indulge in the illusion that China’s bottom line on its territoria­l integrity is something that it can play with in its games with the US.

The UK government should be fully aware of the sensitivit­y of the Taiwan question as it forms the very political foundation for the UK’s ties with China. Nor should it underestim­ate Beijing’s strong determinat­ion, resolve and ability to safeguard the country’s territoria­l integrity.

Instead of trying to exploit the situation in the region to fish for rule-Britannia support at home, the Johnson government should abandon its colonial-style pretension­s and ensure that the UK acts as a responsibl­e member of the internatio­nal community by respecting the aspiration­s of the region for peaceful developmen­t.

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