China Daily (Hong Kong)

National Day holiday week a test for epidemic control measures


New novel coronaviru­s outbreaks at a time when the country is gearing up for the National Day Golden Week holiday mean the epidemic prevention and control measures need to be strictly implemente­d.

Fujian and Heilongjia­ng provinces recently reported new COVID19 cases, and two new imported infections were reported in Macao a few days ago.

As the National Day holiday travel season will further increase the risks of infection, anti-epidemic vigilance cannot be relaxed for even a moment.

The holiday week, which starts on Friday, is also a big test to determine whether tourist spots can provide proper services for tourists while following all epidemic-prevention and control norms. The tourist sites, and transporta­tion and other tourismrel­ated department­s need to make concerted efforts including using big data to better manage the flow of tourists and ensure their safety.

To prepare for the increased number of visitors, tourist spots across the country need to take necessary precaution­ary measures, and strictly control the number of visitors. The tourist sites that are expecting large turnouts should control the flow of tourists and prevent an excessive number of visitors from gathering at the same time.

The outbreaks in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province, Zhangjiaji­e, Hunan province, and Putian, Fujian province, since July show the pandemic is far from over and could surface any moment.

Therefore, people should be careful when making their holiday travel plans, and pay close attention to the epidemic situation so as to avoid visiting affected areas.

Those travelling during the holiday should keep themselves up to date with local epidemic situations and relevant epidemic prevention and control measures.

The National Day holiday can boost the economy’s recovery. However, the risks associated with a large number of people traveling at the same time cannot be ignored.

Only by strictly implementi­ng scientific and effective epidemic prevention and control measures can we pass the holiday test.

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