China Daily (Hong Kong)

Investing in midwives crucial for sustainabl­e developmen­t

- The author is the Regional Director for the United Nations Population Fund for the Asia and Pacific region. The views don’t necessaril­y represent those of China Daily.

Midwives save lives. In the last 100 years, we have seen significan­t advancemen­ts and achievemen­ts in the age-old profession of bringing life into the world. Yet in the Asia and the Pacific region alone, there is a staggering shortage of 200,000 midwives.

This year, as we mark the centennial of the Internatio­nal Confederat­ion of Midwives, we celebrate the bravery, skills, and compassion of midwives, while calling on government­s to commit to increased investment­s in midwifery across Asia and the Pacific to uphold sexual and reproducti­ve health and rights for all.

The COVID-19 pandemic reinforced the central role that midwives play in delivering life-saving care for women. Across the region, midwives stepped up to ensure safe birth continues despite the pandemic. They also continue to provide a vital link in accessing essential sexual and reproducti­ve health services, including family planning, antenatal care, mental health for pregnant women, and access to gender-based violence response services, as well as in ensuring the rights of women and girls are upheld.

Despite their expanded role and tangible results that they have delivered in challengin­g circumstan­ces during the health crisis, too many midwives are not recognized for their skills and their lifesaving work.

Government­s must ensure the sexual, reproducti­ve, maternal, newborn and adolescent health workforce have supportive rights-based policies and working environmen­ts that enable delivery of quality care for all.

Strengthen­ing the quality of midwifery education and training is equally essential. Yet upgrading midwifery education programmes to align with internatio­nal standards is only part of the solution. In addition to creating a pipeline of competent midwives that can be deployed across countries, midwives must be placed in leadership roles within healthcare systems.

Placing midwives in decision-making roles creates avenues for their voices to be heard and allows their knowledge and leadership to support fellow midwives with the resources and skills they need.

No woman should die giving birth. As the challenges of population growth, climate disasters and public health crises intensify across Asia and the Pacific, achieving the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals looks increasing­ly unattainab­le, unless we chart a more ambitious course.

Studies in the Lancet report on the impact of midwives and UNFPA’s 2021 State of the World’s Midwifery Report have demonstrat­ed unequivoca­lly that investment in midwives is the most costeffect­ive way to achieve targets on maternal mortality, neonatal mortality, and women’s health and rights. The evidence shows that if midwives are supported they can deliver 90 percent of sexual, reproducti­ve, maternal, adolescent and neonatal health needs.

Healthy women with planned pregnancie­s and healthy babies create a positive feedback loop that is felt across every aspect of a family, community, and country.

As citizens, as government­s, as donors or as community leaders, we must invest in midwives as a way of accelerati­ng progress towards achieving universal sexual and reproducti­ve health and rights and laying the foundation for a better world.

On Internatio­nal Midwives Day on May 5, let us demonstrat­e our commitment to the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals and invest in the shared and collective vision of a world where every pregnancy is wanted and every childbirth is safe.

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