China Daily (Hong Kong)

Hong Kong to forge ahead toward prosperity

- The views don’t necessaril­y represent those of China Daily.

Since its return to the motherland in 1997, Hong Kong has made remarkable achievemen­ts following the “one country, two systems” principle. And in its 25th year, the Hong Kong Special Administra­tive Region has returned to the right track of “one country, two systems” after some twists and turns.

Hong Kong will slip into chaos again if it does not adhere to the “one country, two systems” principle, and will continue to be a thriving global financial and logistics hub if it stays on track.

In the recent past several years, Hong Kong’s high-quality developmen­t had instilled a false sense of superiorit­y among some of its residents, prompting them to reject “one country, two systems” and even question China’s sovereignt­y over the SAR. Some Hong Kong residents tried to block national security legislatio­n, which was required in Article 23 of the Basic Law, and oppose the National People’s Congress’ interpreta­tion of the Basic Law.

Besides, a small number of radicals in Hong Kong colluded with foreign and separatist forces to derail “one country, two systems”, challengin­g China’s sovereignt­y and national secuindepe­ndent rity, and seriously destabiliz­ing normal life in the city. Some legislator­designates even voiced support for “Hong Kong independen­ce” while taking oath in 2016; the radicals led violent anti-extraditio­n protests and some even tried to topple the Hong Kong government.

These deviations from “one country, two systems” triggered social unrest, hindered economic growth and endangered national security, prompting the central government to exercise its constituti­onal powers to put the SAR back on the right track.

Hong Kong now has a new constituti­onal order, which ensures “patriots administer­ing Hong Kong” should be the core principle of governance.

The central authoritie­s have overall jurisdicti­on over Hong Kong in accordance with the Constituti­on and the Basic Law. Hong Kong is not an political entity but a local administra­tive region. Yet the central government respects the city’s “high degree of autonomy” and supervises the applicatio­n of the “high degree of autonomy”.

Since Hong Kong’s political and economic systems are different from those of Western economies, the city should not try to usher in Westernsty­le democracy. More important, the city’s authoritie­s, with the help of the central government, should plug all the legal and economic loopholes to prevent any Hong Kong resident or other entity from colluding with antiChina forces in the West to foment trouble in the SAR and endanger national security. Instead, Hong Kong should develop a socioecono­mic and political system with Hong Kong characteri­stics.

Also, Hong Kong should shift focus from political divisions to boosting economic growth and improving people’s livelihood­s, not least because the city for long has been suffering from “pan-politiciza­tion”. With the rapid growth of other economies in the region such as Singapore putting immense competitiv­e pressure on Hong Kong, it cannot afford any more disruption­s to economic growth.

Moreover, Hong Kong should make efforts to further integrate with the overall national developmen­t plan, because the Chinese mainland will always support its developmen­t along the right path. The city should also seize the opportunit­ies created by the central government, including the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), and become an integral part of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. By taking advantage of “two systems”, Hong Kong can surely create more miracles and better serve the country.

Hong Kong’s return to the right track of “one country, two systems” can be attributed to the central government’s experience of governing Hong Kong for a quarter of a century — and the city can use it as a new starting point to propel its economic growth and improve people’s livelihood­s.

With the strong support of the central government and the new SAR leadership, Hong Kong will definitely forge ahead under the “one country, two systems” framework.

 ?? ?? The author is a distinguis­hed associate researcher Center for Basic at the Laws of Hong Kong and Macau Special Administra­tive Regions, Shenzhen University.
The author is a distinguis­hed associate researcher Center for Basic at the Laws of Hong Kong and Macau Special Administra­tive Regions, Shenzhen University.

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