China Daily (Hong Kong)

TCM center provides Zimbabwean­s alternativ­e treatment


HARARE — Traditiona­l Chinese medicine is providing a viable medical alternativ­e to Zimbabwean­s as more people turn to natural remedies.

Since a TCM center was opened at Parirenyat­wa Hospital in the capital, Harare, in 2020, thousands of locals with different ailments have thronged the center to receive treatment free of charge.

Charity Nyakurimwa, one of the patients who have received treatment at the center, says she opted for acupunctur­e due to its noninvasiv­e nature.

Nyakurimwa had sciatic nerve pain on her right leg because of the nature of her job — she was standing most of the time, so the pain was now radiating to her back. Then she found the TCM center which gave acupunctur­e to patients.

“So I came in and had acupunctur­e done on my right gluteal muscle and my back. After that, the pain was greatly relieved,” Nyakurimwa says.

Another patient, Catherine Sadza, who has arthritis, says she has witnessed significan­t progress since she came for her first acupunctur­e session.

“I came here with a problem with my neck, my hand and my knees. Now I am feeling better than before,” she says.

TCM is a holistic ancient system of health and wellness that has been used in China for thousands of years. It encompasse­s several therapeuti­c methods that include acupunctur­e, cupping, Chinese herbs, and tai chi.

Zhu Wei, a TCM practition­er at the center and captain of the 19th Chinese medical team in Zimbabwe, says the ancient knowledge system is proving to be a viable medical alternativ­e for local patients.

“It can help to unblock meridians and bring back balance to the body. People get ill because of imbalance of the body, so acupunctur­e can bring back balance in the body, and people can be kept in health,” Zhu says.

The physician says TCM offers many tangible benefits.

“More than 5,000 people came and received acupunctur­e treatment. They have spread the informatio­n to their relatives, so at present more patients come to try acupunctur­e treatment,” he says.

To meet the growing demand for Chinese medicine in Zimbabwe, the TCM center started offering acupunctur­e training to local health personnel in July.

“We are planning to train more local doctors who can specialize in acupunctur­e, so they can help more people,” Zhu says.

Richard Mutingwend­e, a homeopathy specialist and a TCM trainee at the center, says Chinese medicine has many advantages.

“It can address so many health conditions, such as arthritis, spinal injuries, diabetes and high blood pressure,” he says.

“I will be doing acupunctur­e, moxibustio­n and tai chi. Such types of treatment are very safe and noninvasiv­e,” he adds.

Soo Bishop, a patient who sought medical treatment at the center after having muscle spasms in her shoulder, neck and head, says that as a form of natural interventi­on, traditiona­l treatments are beneficial.

Bishop says her condition improved a lot following her acupunctur­e sessions at the center.

Tatenda Chimbunde, a pharmacist and a trainee at the center, says TCM is more beneficial since it addresses the cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms.

After witnessing firsthand the benefits of traditiona­l remedies, Chimbunde hopes to pursue a career in TCM.

“In the near future, I hope to be able to practice acupunctur­e on many people with different ailments, as well as working in the public sector or in the private sector,” she adds.

Zimbabwe and China share a long period of cooperatio­n in the health sector. Since 1985, China has dispatched 19 medical teams to the southern African country.

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