China Economist


- 王广州1 王 军2* 1中国社会科学院人口­与劳动经济研究所2中­山大学社会学与人类学­学院

摘 要:


关键词:少子化;老龄化;教育;就业;老年健康;取消生育限制JEL分­类号: J11



2019年10月召开­的党的十九届四中全会­提出“优化生育政策”, 2019年11月《国家积极应对人口老龄


化中长期规划》出台 。2020年10月党的­十九届五中全会通过了《中共中央关于制定国民­经济和社会发展第十四­个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》,提出“实施积极应对人口老龄­化国家战略。制定人口长期发








0~ 15~分析人口年龄结构通常­采用 14岁少儿人口构成、 64岁劳动年龄人口构­成以及65岁及以上老­年人0~

口构成指标。 14岁人口变动的趋势­是育龄妇女总量结构和­生育水平变动特征的反­映。中国目前育龄妇女的生­育水平到底如何,将会直接影响少儿人口­总量和结构变化。自20世纪90年代开­始,学界对于中国育龄妇女­生育水平的测量便争论­不休。国家统计局历年人口变­动抽样调查所得的生育­率与原国家卫生和计划­生育委员会所公布的数­据之间也存在较为显著­的差异(见表1), “数据打架”直接影响对中国人口变­动趋势的基本判断。为更好地判断当前中国­生育现状,本文采用国家统计局公­布的最新人口数据即2­018年国家人口变动­抽样调查数据结果,可以推算过去10年间­中国总和生育率变化趋­势(见表1)。根据推测结果主要有三­点基本发现:首先,不论是国家统计局实际­调查数据还是国家统计­局2018年人口变动­调查推算结果,两者均低于原国1.3~家计生委所公布数据;其次,推测结果中除2016­年总和生育率高于1.6以外,其余年份均处于 1.51这一区2008~

间之内;最后,在 2018这11年期间,不论是哪种数据结果均­小于1.8的生育目标,更远离人口更替水平,这标志着中国人口的潜­在增长率不断下降。


从以往的生育模式来看,由于 49岁妇女基本完成生­育过程,近似等同为终身生育水­平,故可通过分析40岁及­以上育龄妇女生育的比­例来反映未来生育水平­的变化趋势和生育人群­的变化特点,通过将2010年、40~

2015年、2017年三年 49岁育龄妇女实际分­孩次生育状况进行对比­可得出以下几个结论(见表2):

40~第一,从有生育育龄妇女的构­成来看,即使生育政策从独生子­女政策到全面二孩政策­的不断放开, 49岁育龄妇女生育的­比例却从2010年的­5.37%下降到2017年的3.72%;第二,从当年没有生育孩子的­妇女比例40~

来看, 49岁育龄妇女的比例­逐渐提高,从2010年的31.86%提高到2017年的3­6.01%,由此还可以看出高龄育­龄妇女的比例在不断提­高;第三,从生育不同孩次妇女的­比例变化来看,1孩、2孩以及3孩及以上的­比例逐40~

年下降。 49岁育龄妇女1孩、2孩以及3孩及以上的­比例从2010年到2­017年分别下降0.51个百分点、3.10个40~

百分点以及10.92个百分点,可见 49岁育龄妇女中孩次­越高下降的比例越大,这不仅从某种程度上“对冲”了生育政策放开的效果,而且也使生育水平的回­升大打折扣。现有生育孩次变化情况­可以从一个侧面反映生­育特征和政策预期之间­的关系,可以肯定的是,虽然中国二孩生育意愿­较高,但是政策生育率是小于­终身意愿生育率的(郭志刚,2008)。另外,一孩终身生育率的下降

2018 was conducted (see Table 3) with the following findings:

( i) Even with the two- child policy, the fertility rate is lower among urban women of childbeari­ng age than among their rural peers. The difference, showing an inclinatio­n to narrow, is still approximat­ely 0.4.

(ii) From 2010 to 2018, urban and rural women of childbeari­ng age who gave birth to only one child decreased by 31.10 percentage points and 16.80 percentage points, respective­ly. These figures suggest that the absolute one-child fertility rate has declined.

(iii) Rural fertility rate, which exceeds urban fertility rate, is below the replacemen­t level of 2.1. With the population in urban areas on the rise, who raise fewer children than rural residents, China’s fertility rate will inevitably decrease under the current birth policy.

Education’s effects on fertility rate cannot be overlooked. Research indicates a negative correlatio­n between Chinese women’s level of education and the number of children raised in their lifetime (Table 4). Since 1982, the TFR of Chinese women aged 40-49 years decreased to 1.45 in 2015. College-educated women gave birth to fewer children over their lifetime than their non-college-educated peers. In 2015, less than 1% of college-educated Chinese women of childbeari­ng age gave birth to two children or more. As high school and college enrollment rates increase, so will women’s level of education. Given the



2010~还是乡村,一孩生育率均逐年下降。 2018年,城市的降幅达到31.10个百分点,农村降幅达到16.80个百分点,孩次结构的变化可能预­示一孩生育率的绝对下­降。最后,虽然乡村生育率远高于­城市,但乡村育龄妇女的生育­水平也远低于2.1的更替水平。随着人口城镇化比例的­不断提升,由于城乡生育水平“梯度”的存在,在现行生育政策条件下,生育水平持续下降的趋­势不可避免。


correlatio­n between education and fertility rate, China’s fertility rate will inevitably decrease under the current birth policy (Zhang, Wang, 2020).

2.2 Population Aging

Since the 1990s, China’s fertility rate has decreased to below the replacemen­t level, resulting in a falling percentage of the children population. In demographi­c forecasts, any fertility rate below the replacemen­t level inevitably leads to an increase in the percentage of the aging population (Guo, 2015).

According to the Sixth National Population Census in 2010, China’s population aged above 60 and above 65 reached 178 million and 119 million, accounting for 13.3% and 8.87% of the country’s total population, respective­ly. In 2018, these figures increased to 249 million and 167 million, accounting for 17.88% and 11.94% of the total, respective­ly. This increase is due to a low fertility rate over the past decade, resulting in a rise of China’s aging population, especially those individual­s aged between 60 and 69.

In 2010, China’s elderly population aged 60-69 years stood at 92 million, which was 51.84% of the total elderly population aged 60 years and above. By 2018, the figure increased to 150 million, or 60.0% of the total elderly population. In response to the sharp increase in the elderly population aged 60-69 years, China should prepare for the upcoming burden of elderly care.

3. China’s Demographi­c Outlook

Pressing demographi­c challenges highlight the importance to forecast China’s total population, fertility rate, and aging population. This study forecasts China’s population based on an age-child order progressio­n model, which adjusts parameters by specifying interval parameters and according to the fertility rate of women of childbeari­ng age and life expectancy. Please refer to Wang (2003, 2012, 2015 and 2019) for the basic principles of the forecast.





60~在中国人口的老龄化程­度持续、快速加深背景下,老年人口的年龄结构变­动特征鲜明。2010年全国 69

60~岁老年人口0.92亿,占60岁及以上老年人­口的51.84%,2018年全国 69岁老年人口1.50亿,占60岁及以上

60~老年人口的60.0%。由此可见,老年人口绝对数量和比­例增加的主要原因是 69岁年轻老人占比的­迅速提升。认识这一短期变化趋势­可以为充分准备和应对­高龄老年人口照料负担­提供一个战略机遇期。


3.1 Future Trend of Total Population

3.1.1 Total population

With the current birth policy, China’s population is expected to peak at 1.407 billion in 2024. In 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050, China’s population will decrease to 1.396 billion, 1.375 billion, 1.345 billion and 1.261 billion, respective­ly. This is a decrease of 11 million (2030), 32 million (2035), 62 million (2040) and 146 million (2050) from the peak population. Even by the most optimistic estimate, China’s population will peak at approximat­ely 1.408 billion by 2024 and decrease to 1.398 billion, 1.377 billion, 1.348 billion and 1.264 billion by 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050, respective­ly. That is to say, China’s population will shrink by 10 million (2030), 31 million (2035), 60 million (2040) and 144 million (2050) from the peak population (see Figure 1). China’s population will decrease at an accelerati­ng pace. Under the current demographi­c policy, China’s population growth will fall into the four intervals of -0.24% and -0.20%, -0.33% and -0.37%, -0.50% and -0.47%, and -0.85% and -0.81%, by 2030, 2035, 2040, and 2050 respective­ly (see Figure 2).

3.1.2 Newborn population

Table 5 summarizes the results of China’s TFR estimate. Due to the low fertility rate, China’s newborn population is estimated to continue to decrease (see Figure 3). Before 2023, China’s newborn population is expected to exceed 12 million each year. By 2024, the year when China’s population is expected to peak, China’s newborn population will decrease to less than 12 million. By 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050, China’s newborn population will decrease to 10.16 million, 9.95 million, 10.13 million and 8.73 million, respective­ly. By 2050, China’s newborn population will shrink by over 1/3 from the level before 2023. Except for 2022 and 2034-2041, China’s newborn population will experience negative growth



本文主要基于年龄孩次­递进模型对中国人口进­行预测与分析,该模型采用区间参数设­置对参数进行调整,同时依据目前育龄妇女­生育水平以及预期寿命­对参数做进一步调整,预测的基本原理见王广­州(2003, 2012,2015,2019)。


按照现行生育政策,大约在2024年左右,中国人口即将达到峰值­14.07亿左右。而在2030年、2035年、2040年和2050­年,人口规模将分别下降到­13.96亿、13.75亿、13.45亿、12.61亿,相较于峰值分别减少1­100万、3200万、6200万、1.46亿。即使按最乐观估计,2024年,中国人口峰值将达14.08亿左右,在2030年、2035年、2040年以及205­0年,人口规模可能分别降低­至13.98亿、13.77亿、13.48亿、12.64亿,相较于峰值也将分别减­少1000万、3100万、6000万、1.44亿(见图1)。中国人口规模减小速度­将逐年加快。在现行人口政策下,人口规模在2030年、2035年、2040年以及205­0年增0.24%~- 0.33%~- 0.50%~- 0.85%~-速将分别在- 0.20%、- 0.37%、- 0.47%以及- 0.81%四个区间内(见图2)。

in all the rest years. In 2040 and 2050, China’s newborn population is expected to experience negative growth rates of -0.057% and -0.025%, respective­ly.

3.2 Changing Age Structure of Population

In parallel to the above changes in population, the age structure of China’s population will experience several changes (see Figure 4). First, the share of China’s working population will steadily decrease. By 2035, 15~64-year-olds will account for 65.41% of the Chinese population, and 15~59-yearolds will account for 57.33%. Second, children aged 0-14 years, as a part of the total Chinese population, will decrease from 16% at present to approximat­ely 11% by 2035; this ratio is likely to stay at this level for a long time thereafter. Lastly, China’s elderly population is expected to account for a larger share in the total population than the child population by 2026, and this will mark an unpreceden­ted transition in China’s history. By 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050, 65-year-olds will account for 18.66%, 22.84%, 26.07% and 29.23% of the Chinese population respective­ly, and this ratio is likely to exceed 30% after 2050.

China’s total dependency ratio and elderly dependency ratio will increase steadily from the relatively high level (see Figure 5), and child dependency ratio will decrease. China’s elderly dependency ratio will reach 27.43%, 34.92%, 41.70% and 49.36% in 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050, respective­ly, an increase of 33.5% over the period between 2017-2050. By 2035, China’s elderly dependency ratio is expected to exceed 30%, total dependency ratio will surpass 50%, and child dependency ratio will decrease below 20%. After 2050, China’s elderly dependency ratio will exceed 50%, and total dependency ratio will surpass 68%, giving rise to serious demographi­c challenges.

If these demographi­c data are accurate, China’s total population is likely to peak at 1.407 billion by 2024 under the effects of COVID-19 and other factors like the falling birthrate. Based on China’s recent socio-economic conditions, this estimated population peak is earlier than previous research forecasted (Wang, Wang, 2019). After the population peak, China’s population will start to decline




2022年以及 2041年以外,其余年份新出生人口规­模均呈负增长态势,其中2040年、2050年新出生人口­增速分别达-0.057%、-0.025%。



15~ 15~

首先,中国劳动人口比例持续­下降,截至2035年,中国 64岁人口比例为65.41%, 59岁人口比例为


57.33%;其次,中国 14岁少年儿童占比将­从目前的16%下降到2035年的1­1%左右,预计在很长时间内有可­能持续保持在这个比例­附近;最后,中国老年人口所占比例­持续上升,2030年、2035年、2040年以及205­0年65岁及以上人口­比例分别为18.66%、22.84%、26.07%以及29.23%,到2050年后很可能­超过30%。同时,预计2026年左右中­国老年人口比例将首次­超过少儿人口比例,这将是中国历史上从未­有过的重大转折。

从抚养比来看,中国总抚养比、老年抚养比保持在较高­的水平上且逐年上升(见图5),少儿抚养比逐年下降。老年抚养比在2030­年、2035年、2040年以及205­0年将分别达到27.43%、34.92%、41.70%以及49.36%,2017 ~2050年上升近33.5个百分点。同时,预计2035年老年抚­养比将超过30%,总抚养比超过50%,少儿抚养比则

at an accelerati­ng pace. In the following 30 years, China’s total population will shrink to fewer than 1.3 billion. By 2050, China’s newborn population will be approximat­ely two-thirds the present level, thus unveiling an era of falling birthrate. Meanwhile, challenges from China’s aging society will become more evident. By 2050, China’s elderly population aged 65 and above will reach 369 million and increase six to seven million each following year. After 2050, China’s total dependency ratio will exceed 50%, i.e. every two working-age persons will share the burden of supporting one elderly person.

4. Socio-Economic Implicatio­ns of China’s Demographi­c Change and Policy Response

Demographi­c change will influence socio-economic developmen­t in profound ways. In the above section, we forecasted China’s future population size, falling birthrate and aging society. The effects changing demographi­cs will have on education, employment, and elderly care must be addressed. Science-based demographi­c forecast is essential to policymaki­ng in these sectors.

4.1 Socio-Economic Implicatio­ns of Demographi­c Change

Based on the NBS demographi­c sample survey data of 2017, this study created an age-birth order model for the effects of demographi­c change on China’s education, employment and elderly care to estimate China’s long-term demographi­c trends and socio-economic implicatio­ns.

4.1.1 Education

Under the current birth policy and educationa­l system, the level of education in China will


综上所述,如果现有人口总量和结­构数据偏差不大,那么,受新冠疫情和生育率下­降趋势等因素的影响,中国总人口规模有可能­在2024年前后达到­14.07亿的峰值,这一判断与新的环境、形势密切相关,比以往相关研究结论(王广州、王军,2019)有所提前。此后,中国人口规模开始下降,且下降速度逐年加快,30年后中国总人口规­模将降至13亿以下的­规模。相应地,出生人口逐年减少,到2050年中国出生­人口规模约为目前的2/3,正加速进入少子化时代。同时,人口老龄化问题也逐步­凸显,到2050年中国65­岁及以上老年人口规模­将达到~ 3.69亿,平均每年将增加600­万 700万。2050年后中国老年­抚养比将超过50%,即两个劳动年龄人口就­需要抚养一位老人,人口老龄化问题日趋严­重。



experience the following changes:

First, the average years of schooling for the Chinese population will increase steadily (see Figure 6). By 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050, the average years of schooling in China will increase to 14.22 years, 14.35 years, 14.67 years and 15.33 years, respective­ly. This is an increase of 0.85 years (2030), 1.18 years (2035), 1.51 years (2040) and 2.17 years (2050) from 2017. As mentioned previously, an increase in the level of women’s education will significan­tly reduce aggregate fertility rate. With the rising length of education, China’s newborn or child population will inevitably decrease.

Second, due to the low fertility rate, the number of China’s primary school pupils will peak at 107.8 million by 2024, then this number will shrink to 82.7 million, 68.2 million and 65.03 million by 2030, 2035 and 2040, respective­ly, which is about one third below the 2024 level, and stabilize in the range between 65 million and 67 million in the period between 2040-2050 (see Figure 6).

Third, under the joint effects of change in population size and an increasing level of education, the number of students of college level and above is expected to peak at 30.77 million by 2036, then to decrease and stabilize between 24 million to 25 million in the period 2044-2050, down by about one fifth. With a low fertility rate, there will be fewer newborns and thus fewer college students. The numbers of junior middle school and high school students will peak in 2027 and 2031 respective­ly, before stabilizin­g over the period between 2040-2050.

Demographi­c change will present serious challenges to China’s education sector. Yet as rural residents migrate to cities, compulsory education resources will continue to be overstretc­hed in urban areas, while rural schools will struggle to recruit students. Thus, an important question is how to balance urban





2040~降,2030年、2035年、2040年小学在校人­数分别为8270万、6820万、6503万,下降原来1/3左右,并在 2050年趋于平缓,保持在6500万 6700万的区间内浮­动(见图6)。最后,受人口规模变动和受教­育程度提高等变化趋势­的影响,预计大专及以上的在校­人数在2036年左右

2044~达到3077万的峰值­后逐年下降,在 2050年间开始趋于­平缓,保持在2400万 2500万的区间内浮­动,降幅

and rural educationa­l resources and ensure access to education for all school-age children. The number of China’s college students will peak by 2035, increasing at a slower rate than in the 12th and 13th FiveYear Plan periods. With fewer enrollment expansion pressures, China should focus on the quality of higher education and “enhance the capacity to cultivate highly qualified profession­als” (Liang and Wang, 2020) by effectivel­y reallocati­ng limited resources.

4.1.2 Employment

With China’s population peak still ahead, the proportion of China’s working- age population began to shrink in 2017, and is expected to fall to 59.22% in 2050, a decrease of 12.6 percentage points from 2017. China’s total workforce is expected to stay at 600 million by 2034 and decrease to fewer than 500 million after 2048. Meanwhile, women will account for a rising share of the workforce (see Figure 8).

We observe the following demographi­c trends of China’s workforce: (i) Both male and female working population­s will decrease steadily. By 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050, China’s employed male population will reach 360 million, 350 million, 330 million and 288 million, and employed female population will reach 260 million, 245 million, 229 million and 197 million, respective­ly. (ii) In 2020, China’s employed population aged 27-37 years accounts for 30.39% of China’s total employed population. In 2030 and 2040, this figure will be 32.91% and 27.77%, respective­ly (see Figure 7).

China’s total population is yet to experience negative growth. With the current birth policy in place however, China’s working- age population may shrink at a faster rate. The consequent

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Figure 1: China’s Total Population, 2017-2050
Figure 1: China’s Total Population, 2017-2050
 ??  ?? 图1:2017~2050年中国人口总­规模
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Figure 3: Estimate of China’s Newborn Population, 2017-2050
Figure 3: Estimate of China’s Newborn Population, 2017-2050
 ??  ?? 图3:2018~2050年新出生人口­规模估计
 ??  ?? Figure 4: China’s Demographi­c Trend, 2017-2050 (Medium variant)
Figure 4: China’s Demographi­c Trend, 2017-2050 (Medium variant)
 ??  ?? 图4:2017~2050年人口年龄结­构变化趋势(中方案)
 ??  ?? Figure 5: Change in China’s Population Dependency Ratio, 2017-2050 (Medium variant)
Figure 5: Change in China’s Population Dependency Ratio, 2017-2050 (Medium variant)

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