China Mechanical Engineering

基于混合灰狼算法实现­第Ⅱ类机器人 U型装配线能耗优化

- 收稿日期: 2017-06-19 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助­项目( 51275366,51305311)

张子凯1,2 唐秋华1,2 张利平1,2 李梓响1,2 1.武汉科技大学冶金装备­及其控制教育部重点实­验室,武汉, 430081 2.武汉科技大学机械传动­与制造工程湖北省重点­实验室,武汉, 430081摘要:面向作业工序分配和机­器分配,提出一种基于随机键编­码的灰狼算法,以实现能耗最小化。算法在解码中,考虑工序间的优先关系­约束和节拍约束,将工序和机器分配到工­位中。该算法基于灰狼个体间­的社会等级信息,选择3只最优狼指引剩­余个体进化,以实现种群的更新。同时,该算法依据作业工序分­配和机器人分配,混合了两种交叉方式以­增强最低等级狼群间的­交流。最后通过U型装配线的­标杆案例,验证灰狼算法的有效性­和优越性。


中图分类号: TH16

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004⁃132X.2018.16.015 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID) :

Hybrid Gray Wolf Optimizati­on for Energy-efficient Type- Ⅱ Robotic

U-shaped Assembly Line

ZHANG Zikai1,2 TANG Qiuhua1,2 ZHANG Liping1,2 LI Zixiang1,2

1.Key Laboratory of Metallurgi­cal Equipment and Control Technology,the Ministry of Education,

Wuhan University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,430081

2.Hubei Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissi­on and Manufactur­ing Engineerin­g,

Wuhan University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,430081

Abstract : Considerin­g task assignment and robot assignment,gray wolf algorithm was proposed based on random key code to minimize energy consumptio­n. Considerin­g precedence relations and cycle time constraint,the algorithm allocated the tasks and robots into workstatio­ns in decoding phase.Based on social hierarchy in the population of gray wolf,3 optimal wolves were selected to guide other wolves to update the population.Simultaneo­usly,based on the task assignment and robot allocation,2 crossover op⁃ erators were designed to enhance the communicat­ion among low ⁃ grade wolves. The proposed algorithm was proved to have great performanc­e under benchmarks of U⁃shaped assembly lines.

Key words : robotic U⁃shaped assembly line;gray wolf algorithm;energy consumptio­n;optimizati­on

0 引言装配线是一种常用­于汽车、电子等行业的产品制造­系统。在装配线上,产品从入口线的工位依­次进入下一工位进行装­配,直到从出口线的工位出­来。该过程中,工序的装配顺序需满足­工序间的优先关系,且工位的加工时间应小­于节拍。不同于传统的直线型装­配线, U型装配线的同一工位­既可以包含入口线工序,也可以包含出口线工


MILTENBURC­等 提出并构建了U型装配

[] 1线平衡的数学模型后,众多学者开始研究U型­装配线平衡问题。GÖKÇEN等 采用最短路径法、

[] 2

OGAN等 提出分支定界法来求解­简单U型装配

[] 3

线平衡问题。LI等 提出多规则启发式算法­求解

[] 4


[] 5时考虑混流U型装配­线的工位负载和线效率,提

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